Seeing Embroidery Everywhere

Seeing Embroidery Everywhere Organza flower ATC by iHanna

Three fabric atc in a row

I really like the thread nests, but maybe it’s this ATC, in all its simplicity, that is my favorite:

Organza flower embroidery ATC
Organza flower ATC.

This embroidered ATC came together effortlessly with a few scraps of organza, lace like fabric, and some stitches on top of that, of course! I think it’s the stitches that “makes” it. Those little dots and lines of thread that connects everything.

Embroidery inspiration

I’ve been enjoying Jude Hill’s feathers embroidery class, a free class with video and audio tutorials on how to make her magic feather embroidery (+ patchwork ideas). I need to finish my patch and send it to her this week, after photographing it.

I’m inspired by embroidery on printed fabric, like this, getting to know The Gigants of Embroidery according to Nat, like Tillike Schwarz and Jazmin Berakha (Nat also did a tutorial on how to keep your embroidery clean)! I’m inspired by Embroidery Thursday at DoecDoe and Jane LaFazio’s hand stitching tutorial on Alisa’s blog, but even more by the stitching close-ups on her own blog. Yum!

And also, while not being embroidery, I need to mention:

  • Nail your NaNoWriMo
    – a series of daily post that gives you advice on how to plan to write a novel in one month. Great read before November starts. I’ve been reading it with interest, but I’m not sure I can do NaNoWriMo this year either. I sure would love to give it another go, but my time is limited right now.
  • November is a great month to do “something every day” because there is a lot online to join, like Art Every Day Month, which I joined last year and pushed to make I created 30 collages in 30 days!
  • I am a believer – crusade 56 is a beautiful read within itself, and very powerful. Go check it out! Then do a page in your journal and share your story.

Here is another one of my ATC embroidery, a simple flower in pinks:

Pink flower

In the latest crusade I am a believer Michelle Ward writes: I believe sharing your enthusiasm for creativity is more important than what you create.

I love that, because that is what my blog is all about. :-)

10 Responses

  1. I really like your embroidered ATCs, Hanna. The next read on my feed reader was a friend that does a lot of creative endeavors, so I immediately linked her to this post. Today, she wrote about ATCs, so I just had to share your site because I think that she’ll love it.

    I want to do a November challenge so badly, but I know that it would probably be wise for me to pass this year. Still, I’m going to tempt myself and take a look.

    I have just started to learn embroidery. I really like it. I want to do it without a pattern, like you are, but I thought that maybe I shouldn’t. YOU’VE CHANGED MY MIND. I have fabric. I have cloth. Transferring patterns can be a pain, so I’m freestyling it, yo!

    Thanks for the inspiration, Hanna. xo

  2. Update! I just signed up for AEDM. I thought that the rules seemed very forgiving, which is good for someone dealing with health issues. I must add to that, though, that I see art as healing and meditative, so one is good for the other.

  3. Your blog is absolutely that and more! I visit often and now you have filled whatever time I may think I have with pulling out my sewing basket…oh thank you, another project…no time to feel blue this winter. Thank you for all your inspiration♥

  4. thank you dear Hanna for the lovely mention!! ah yes, I do love hand stitching..I enjoyed the other links you posted too. thanks!! xo

  5. Hannah, I’m living with all my interest and my full-time job. Don’t come back to you and comment as much as I would like to. Huuuh, embroidery! I did some on my m.f.p. , but now it is more the idea of sitting down and actually embroider.
    I love the comment above from Prudence Puddleduch: No time to feel blue this winter.
    I wish somebody would remind me of this in case of blue-ness and remind me to sit down and read this post again.
    (btw, I love the color blue, what a shame that I suffer of blue-ness sometimes less, sometimes more, sometimes too much)

  6. Hanna! You’re so awesome. I LOVE your embroidery! I think embroidered flowers are so pretty – being able to play around with different shades of greens and pinks…

    I LOVE your embroidery thoughts – I’ve just finished stitching the cover of my new art journal. I seriously think you are going to LOVE IT! Please please please have a look!

  7. Yes, your blog is definitely a sharing of BLISS!! It always brings me back to creativity. Thank you.

    I’m waiting for my computer to be fixed at home before sending my photos over to Michelle’s crusade. It’s a great topic this month, but then, it always is!

    I’m sending out some ATCs because I feel like it, so you may get one at your old addy.


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