Homemade Soup

Homemade vegetable soup, how about that? This is a picture for Bokkanalen’s reviewer Jenny who e-mailed to tell me that her favorite thing about my blog is the category that is about food. Food Mood indeed. How strange I thought, do I have such a category? But well, I do. Food is part of my favorite Home Comforts.

Homemade vegetable soup

Jenny said I take nice food photos, and since I feel flattered I had to post another food photo, even though just from the sink.

I eat a lot of pasta and boring pre-cooked meals (meatballs!) right now, but when I do swirl in the kitchen I like to take out my camera to record how “good” I’ve been.

I saw this food episode on a TV show last week, I think it was called Kvällsöppet or something, and they made soup with potatoes and other veggies that they mashed together with a hand mixer. I remembered that my man bought a mixer at the flea market that we haven’t tried out yet, so I brought it out and made a soup! Mixed together potatoes and carrots, added water, stock cube, green pepper and white beans plus some spices. Tasted very nice.

Here are some of this months beautiful autumn pictures, since it’s Studio Friday with the theme Autumn Inspiration:

Autumn inspiration

Autumn is such a beautiful season to me, specially on days when the sun is out peeping through the multicolored leafs of the trees. One day last week when I jumped on my bike I couldn’t stop smiling, because the big yellow leafs where swirling and dancing in the air in front of me and around me in a constant flow of autumn inspiration. I think it must have been a night of frost, and when the sun came out the leafs started falling. It was pure magic as the sun rose against the sky.

The mornings comes from pitch black (when I wake up) to bright day light (when I’ve finished breakfast) in minutes right now, and at six o’clock at night the darkness is back. They are predicting snow, but I hope not yet.

Red and white

The elf that lives in this mushroom has moved to a warmer place, Florida I guess.

23 Responses

  1. i love that picture of the toadstool mushroom :) the soup does look tasty, mmh must have lunch soon! have you seen that you’re featured on whip up? well done!

  2. That’s the most incredible little mushroom. It’s like a picture book. Wow. We don’t have those here.

    Yummy soup! Tis the soup season!

  3. what a great looking mushroom! yes, isn’t soup season the best of the best? making a pumpkin soup here a little later… lovely photos!

  4. oh, can I please hop on a plane & come visit sweden again??!! The thinly-sliced cheese on bread can not be reproduced, nor can the northern sky.

  5. That mushroom is so cute! And I love the plate that the bread is on. I wanna see the whole thing! Great Pictures

  6. you have the most wonderful colourful blog I have read in ages and I love the way you express yourself – I have just made soup too – so while it cooks I will have a look round your colourful world! Thank you

  7. I want to come over for soup! Seasons are all about food for me, and I love to bring out the hearty soups in fall and winter. I need to take more pictures of my cooking! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. soup is my favorite fall food, and my favorite thing to cook. this sounds like a wonderful (and healthy) recipe! your photos are really so good and your description of what inspires you about autumn. thank you.

  9. Your photos are gorgeous and yes, another great thing about fall is the “home made soups”.


  10. Beautiful pictures, I guess I would love fall time more if we had plenty of sunny days! But you never know in Germany. It could be all November foggy! And that is no fun.

  11. I live in Florida and I haven’t seen the elf. But I did want to comment and let you know that I love looking at your pictures. You are so creative, inspiring!!

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