Join iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap Fall 2023

Every autumn I host the DIY postcard swap here on my blog, in hope of bringing art and joy to the homes of all participants!

You are invited to join iHannas DIY Postcard Swap Fall 2023 right now

And so far it’s been working great!

Firstly you get the joy of creating handmade postcards for ten people and then the joy of seeing those postcards being delivered all over the world! And of course the joyful experience of receiving your own happy mail!

So. Much. Joy!

If you’re interested in joining the swap this autumn head on over to the information page and click the button “join the swap” where you then pay the small fee and finally also fill in the address form – a crucial step that makes sure we have your full information so that you will actually receive your share of handmade postcards later on.


Happy mail awaits!

You can join until the 19th of November, but if you join today you’ll probably feel that creative fire be lit inside right away – so that you will be done in time. :-)

Share the joy

When you have signed up I would love it if you shared one of these buttons to your instagram account, blog or on your other social media, to let everyone know you’re participating – and of course to invite them as well. The more people that hear about the swap the greater the joy for all of us I think.

Click on any of the images and save the high res image to your phone or computer, and upload it to where you would like to use it. If it’s on instagram please feel free to tag me @ihannas and use the hashtag #ihannaspostcardswap as well – that is the official hashtag that I will follow to see what kind of DIY Postcard’s you will be making this year. I love that little preview of what you make, and I love it even more when you write about your thought process behind each card.

Read more: Join iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap Fall 2023

Was your postcard inspired by a stamp or a technique? The autumn season or a thought? If you use word or images (and not just abstractions) please remember to keep all of it as positive as you can. I want everyone to feel welcome and happy when participating, and we never know what kind of trauma or heartache someone is going through. If you already have an idea of what you want to make feel free to share it in the comments below!

New to the DIY Postcard Swap?

If you’re new to the swap, please read the information page and note down dates, read through the rules for the swap – and maybe even check the Postcard Swap FAQ (that is linked in the sidebar and in the menu under swap) in case you feel hesitant about anything.

Most questions I have gotten through the many years of this swap have been posted and answered there, including postcard size, if your kids can join (no) and if you can use envelopes (yes), and what to do if you need to cancel your participation before the deadline (afterwards is is not possible).

So please check there for loads of information on the DIY Postcard Swap fall 2023 – and then please sign up! It’s so much fun to share your art postcards with others and get other’s postcards in return!

And of course the blog is full of blog posts, video tutorials and images about how I approach creating ten postcards in different ways – all linked from the swap page (under inspiration) as well.

I very much hope you feel inspired to jump in and give this a try, even if it is your first time joining something online. It’s not hard at all – but very enjoyable and fun. Give it a try.

12 Responses

    • Yes, so happy that you’ve enjoyed the swap enough to join again Kelly – and so kind to help your friend out as well. Yay you!


  1. Hello Hanna! I have joined your postcard swap for the first time! It will be fun to make them and to get postcards from all over the world Thanks for organizing this and all your inspiring blog and youtube channel!

    • Tack för din kommentar. Så kul att du ville vara med Kristin, varmt välkommen. Hoppas du har mysiga kreativa stunder när du gör dina vykort och vill vara med fler gånger. :-)

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