Thrifted Books to Cut Up

Sorry to say that my site was down a couple of hours before I could ask support to fix it, due to a server move. I got contacted by a few of you saying you couldn’t reach this or that, but now I think it is alright again. I hope that everything is working as it should again. Thanks for your concern.

iHanna's Valentines Thrift Haul of books to cut up and use in or to make journals from + video flip through

For today’s blog post, a thrifted haul of yummy books!

I so enjoyed filming my first thrift haul video last year that I wanted to make another one. I do go to second hand shops once in a while to look for fun finds, and I’m especially thrilled when I find something that I think could be used for book binding, art or for collages.

It’s not as easy to find ephemera here as it seams to be elsewhere (read: US where you’ve got Estate Sales / Tag Sales for example, where you can find old documents and letters and such). But I keep looking…

Thrifted book and magazine haul for junk journaling (video flip through) by iHanna

In Sweden you’ll be quite lucky if you can find anything that is more personal than an already emptied photo album from 1985… But of course sometimes you have some luck and find a few things that are fun to take home and use / cut up…

Thrifted Haul Video

So let’s have a look, shall we? Most of today’s books are not vintage or anything, but I will still be using them for projects in some way or other.

If you can’t see the embedded video click here and while you’re on YT give it a comment and a thumbs up if you like it, it makes me feel less like I’m speaking into the void…

Vintage Illustrations of Swedish Alpine Flora

From the book Fjällflora (published in 1952) here are a few of my favorites.

Swedish Alpine Flora Rosenknopp and Klibbsticka vintage illustrations
Swedish Alpine Flora (high res scanned images vintage illustrations to download and print)

I love vintage illustrations like these, don’t you?

With just a few days until Valentine’s Day, here’s a reminder that this yummy gem of  a workshop is on Special Sale price this week only:

Valentine Sale February 6 -15 - get the online mixed media workshop right now

It is usually only 16 USD, but this week (until Sunday February 16th) it’s on sale for only 11 USD! Whoop Whoop!

Get it here.


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If you would like to be notified when the next postcard swap or workshop is posted , feel free to sign up for the iHanna’s Newsletter. Of course, when you sign up I will send you a free PDF of inspirational quotes to use in your planner, notebook or journal.

3 Responses

  1. What fun thrift store goodies you found! Thanks for sharing your video with us! Look forward to seeing how you help your thrifty finds have a second life! (I, too, need to get excited about using what I already have! It’s funny how it seems easier to get excited about finding new-to-me things than actually using what’s already in my stash. I need to push past my perfectionist ways and focus on the joy of creating- and then create a bunch with my current stash.)

  2. Hanna I love those vintage plant drawings. They are so beautiful. Thanks for your gorgeous site, I get wonderful ideas here, like a visual artist’s date (as Julia Cameron calls it). I’m going to watch your thrift find clip now. Love from Australia 💗

    • That is such a beautiful compliment, thank you Simone. I want my blog to be inspiring so if it’s like an artist date then I’m SO happy! :-)

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