5 Online Tools for Mindfulness & Fun

I love finding online sites that are either useful or playful – or both! Here are five that I’ve been playing with lately. Let me know in the comments if you like any of them and I might post more in the future.

Inspiration blob
Detail from this Art Journal page!

It is a mistake to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.
Winston Churchill

5 Online Tools for Mindfulness and for Fun

  1. Meditation timer

    An online tool that counts down your meditation practice as you take a break from working by the computer! You can listen to some soothing music while you meditate, by such artists as Deep Sky Divers, Ray Lynch, and Robert Ronnes. The site requires Flash Player plugin.

  2. Print Friendly

    Time to make web page printing more environmentally friendly! Just get their bookmarklet (drag the button to your browser’s bookmark toolbar) and then when you visit a text page you want to print, just press that button and you get a lot of great options… You can remove images or paragraphs you don’t need, to print on less paper. I think this is a great tool, especially if you print a lot of articles to read offline.

  3. Noisli

    The Noisli site is for those of you working at home that are not really enjoying all the silence of an empty place… It’s a fun background noise generator, ideal for working and/or relaxing. Why not visit the ocean as you work today, or a noisy café lounge?

  4. Pinstamatic

    This is an old favorite I had forgotten about. Visit the site and you can create lots of Pinteresting images, or even graphics that you can use on your blog. You can make a quote into an image, or make a graphic out of a tweet, website or calendar date. A tool that is fun to play with for a while.

  5. Blog Topic Generator

    Need inspiration for your next blog post title? Then visit this fun little online tool. You have to put in three nouns (a person, place, thing, animal or idea) that you’d like to write about, and the site will come up with a week’s worth of relevant blog post titles in a matter of seconds!

I know most of these tools are just for fun, to play with for a while, but that’s okay. And to me mindfulness is supposed to be joyful too, something to enjoy. Please let me know what you think – and if you’ve got any tips for me?!

Bonus link: I love finding tools for productivity too. And Jo of Dexterous Diva likes her tools too, so as a bonus link list, you should check out her post on tools and apps for creatives. Jo writes: If you are a creative bod, there are several things you can do to help yourself in your work-flow and productivity. If, like me, you generate ideas at all times of day and night, have several plates spinning and don’t function in a logical, linear way, read on…

PS: More about my mindfulness practice next week!

7 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing, especially the Meditation Timer and Noisli. I’m a Mindfulness teacher and work with other classroom teachers so love learning about resources. If you haven’t seen it yet, try GoNoodle. They have free brain breaks for kids (and adults) and have added a mindfulness section called Flow. Useful and playful! Happy mindfulness. :)

    • Oh thanks Suzanne, I’ll check out GoNoodle for sure, it sounds interesting. And how great to bee mindfulness teacher – that’s is awesome!

  2. Thanks for recommendign Print Friendly! I didn’t know about that. I have “installed” it and used it already, it’s really useful!

    • Thanks Sabrina for leaving me a comment and letting me know you liked my internet findings. I’ll share more in upcoming weeks. I love useful, fun (cheap) tools!

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