Sew Sweet Valentine Cards

Mixed Media Valentine Cards by iHanna of

Hi sweet one!

If you are following me via instagram you know it’s #valentinecraftweek in my life right now. Now that I’m diving into it I get the feeling that I am in the right place, doing the right thing. Maybe Valentine is a commercial holiday that makes us single gals feel extra lonely, sure that’s true. But it is also a time for valentine self love and what ever you choose to make it. I am all for giving it a try, even if it’s hard sometimes.

To be happy is my choice. Plus, I adore the visual language of amore; red velvet, bubble gum pink, shiny hearts and messages of love! I am in the right place for love.

Mixed Media Valentine Cards by iHanna of

I am combining some of my favorite things with this project and making Sweet Valentine Cards!

A combination of favorites

  • using hand painted and bought papers in new combinations
  • working in layers
  • sewing in paper, spending time with my sewing machine
  • the heart as a symbol of so many things

Come along and I’ll show you what I’ve been stitching up around here.
Valentine Postcard Middle heart

Valentine Postcards 2014
1 2 3 Be My Valentine
Polka Dot mixed media Valentine
Yellow Valentine Postcard

The possibilities are endless with a project like this. I guess that’s why I’m having a hard time stopping.

Valentine Postcards 2014

A few years ago I did something similar, but with fabric, you can find the tutorial here and I’ve also got a whole list of lovely Valentine Ideas if you care to take a look.

Let me know what you are making for Valentine!

Take care and have a wonderful week!

8 Responses

  1. I like valentine’s day because it is fun to make hearts and give them to people. It’s always been about the crafting and giving and sharing for me. I love the red and pink and sparkles and lace.

  2. I’ve been working on some and I have to say, I am LOVING the heart shape! I seem to have missed the appreciation of hearts for most of my life, and now, it’s just filled with delights!

    Your work is beautiful and cheerful.

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