One hundred DIY Postcards bound for Sweden I got over one hundred postcards in the 10th Anniversary of the DIY Postcard Swap this spring (and now the fall… Categories Creative People/Creativity & Life/Mail bliss
iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap 10 Year Anniversary The Postal Service is one of those things that is essential to keep the world from not entirely stopping. So important,… Categories iHanna philosophy/Mail bliss
Happy Mail & Endorsements I got Sarah, who does the most adorable abstract postcards, wrote to me a while back: Your swap is the highlight of my… Categories Mail bliss
Books about Snail Mail, Letter-Writing & Good Mail Days Do you wish for more Good Mail Days? Or are you asking yourself right now: “What is a good mail day?”… Categories Mail bliss/Read a book
The Finishing Touches of Everything Wanna make some happy mail with me this fall? Then stay tuned. A fun Swap Event is being planed in this… Categories Mail bliss
My Colorful Collage Postcards Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or… Categories Paper Crafting
The Prettiest Postcards Ever Oh hi, sweet one! I couldn’t write this post until now, sorry, I know you were curious. But matter of fact… Categories Mail bliss
Good Mail Day – A primer for Making Eye Popping Postal Art Book review time again! Let’s dive into a book called Good Mail Day, written by Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler…. Categories Mail bliss/Read a book
Sew Sweet Valentine Cards Hi sweet one! If you are following me via instagram you know it’s #valentinecraftweek in my life right now. Now that… Categories Paper Crafting
Creativity in the mail ATC from all over the over the world (Spain, US, G?teborg) and some creativty magazines about mixed media and knitting. Great mail week! Categories Mail bliss