Cat sitting is a great Photo Opp

Forsythia and Cat

I’ve been cat sitting again, for another boy cat. Though this one is totally adorable and fun. And orange. And adorable, did I say that? He likes to sleep on the top shelf of my bookcase, just under the roof. He likes to nudge me with his head – and he can jump really really high when he is in that mood.

Mr Borrowed

He is a great photo model, specially when he sleeps…

Mr Sleepy

Mr Sleepy

Mr Sleepy

Striped details

I ♥ cats! You?

16 Responses

  1. What a handsome boy! I used to cat sit a lot. It’s sometimes hard not to take them home! This guy looks as if he snores! ;-)

  2. Love these pictures! I have a Russian Blue (part) big boy who is a wonderful model as well. I keep asking myself “How many pictures do you need of him?” Obviously, never enough!

  3. What a gorgeous cat! I LOVE the first picture of him sleeping! I cracked up laughing. I have got to show this pic to my husband. He’ll laugh, too.

  4. He is gorgeous! I am known amongst my friends as ‘the crazy cat lady’. We have four cats and I love them as if they were actual children (see? The nickname fits me haha). All their different personalities are so fun to discover as they grow up :)

  5. I never get tired of looking at our cats sleeping. Cats rock :)

    And yes, this one is cute! And orange! And just look at him!

  6. These photos are so good of the handsome man cat!! My human has a thing for orange kitties–and she melted looking at these!


    PS. I bet you are a great sitter!!

  7. ”Purrfect” cat shots! the pink line in the lilac background one really adds something to it. The first one where he’s sleeping makes me laugh.

  8. I think my cat has an identical twin-except this boy has a couple more spots on his nose. Yes, absolutely adorable.

  9. I am a cat lover to. We have a orange boy, his name is Rommel and he’s best friends with our jongest boy. The photo’s you made are so beautiful.
    Liefs, Melanie & Rommel

  10. What an adorable, precious boy!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. They are great!!!!!!

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