The Color of | I like the colour of lips

Mmmm, colours! I can never get enough of them.

Right now I like the colour of…

the color of... lips

And the colour of…
The color of... a Swedish forest
…the Swedish forest.

And what about these colours:

The color of... pink hair
The colour of… pink coloured hair!

The color of... clouds
The colour of… the sky.

The color of... collaged index cards
The colour of… index cards!

The color of... me
The colour of… me!

The Color of…

These colours were generated by the site

THE COLOR OF uses an averaging algorithm on the colour pixel values of the queried images, displaying the result incrementally as each picture is loaded. Taking the assumption that random images will average out to become grey, we can attribute any colour bias which deviates from grey, to the term as searched. Any further interpretation is then up to the user.

I tweeted about it a while back but just had to come back to it because it’s such a cool tool to play with! The description above is for programmers and nerds – but the site’s outcome is like colour poetry. I love watching the colours develop and see if they will resembles what I imagined that colour to look like. What colours will you mix today?

15 Responses

  1. I am more of a lurker than a commentator, but I couldn’t let this post go by without saying something. The colors you shared are beautiful, and I thank you for pointing out this very interesting tool that you found. I’m going to use it to post my favorite colors in the near future, I’ll be sure to come back and let you know when I’ve done a similar styled post. (I hope you don’t mind.) Thanks so much again, Hanna, I look forward to your next blog entry, xox.

    • Thank you Erica, it’s always interesting to know what posts speaks to people and what makes lurkers come out of the shadows… :-) I’d love to see what colour-combinations and names you come up with of course!

  2. ooooo…..I must go play and share on my blog too and I’ll be sure to link back to your blog as the person who introduced me to it!

    • Geri, yay!
      How fun this will be, to see what color-combinations others can think up and what cool names they will have! Let me know when the post is up! :-)

    • Thanks Christy! I just wrote down some words and the site algorithm made the mixes… Love it. What colours will you make? :-)

  3. Hi Hanna…I’ll have to check out that color tool… thanks for sharing about it. I like your colors!! Your index cards are super, as usual(in the post below)…Keep using turquoise…it’s sooo pretty :)

  4. Ooh! So beautiful! I think the one you named iHanna is spot on! =cD I see all your colors in there in just the right frequencies. What a neat program!

    I ADORE the Swedish Forest variation. I am a very blue and green kind of girl. Must try this program to find out! =cD Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow…have to comment again. I just went to play and I’ve got goosebumps. — Have you considered that maybe your favorites are your favorites for a reason you’ve never thought of?

    Of all the terms I put in, I keep getting these gorgeous shades of blue and green — from things I would never consider as “blue and green”. Maybe I am attracted to these things because they give off a blue amd green vibe — or — since they give off a blue and green vibe I am attracted to them?

    Does this make sense? Am I crazy? =cD

  6. Thanks for this link – it is great. I wonder if this is what synaesthesia feels like? I’ve blogged about this & put a link to your site – hope that is ok! :)

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