The start of a wool embroidery

Wool embroidery - wobbly flowers

After reading nightly in this very cool new Swedish book about wool embroidery called Yllebroderi (a must-own-book!) I was very eager to start a wool embroidery of my own. A bit too eager (plus watching a movie at the same time). I tried drawing a flower and filling the contours of it, but because I used a bleak white pencil the lines got diffused and the whole flower too small and very wobbly.

Then I decided to do something I usually don’t do very often…

Wool embroidery - cutting it away
…ripping my work and starting over! I just cut it all away and it was very satisfying to do that.

I kept the middle circle even though I now realize that the stitch I used Chain Stitch (kedjestygn) was not used much in traditional wool embroidery. I am inspired by one of the flowers in the book Yllebroderier (page 23), and it does not have any chain stitching, but since it is one of few stitches that I really master I’m keeping ’em!

Wool embroidery - cutting it away

I decided to draw a paper pattern, cut it out and copy the outlines with a ballpoint pen to have a firmer line to follow. Later I saw an image at Jude Hill’s blog and asked her about it;
Jude do you draw the pattern with a ballpoint pen? I did that recently when giving up with the chalk you’re supposed to draw patterns with.

Jude said in reply to me;

    depends, i use pencil or a fabric pen, either micron or pitt. usually when i cover it up quickly i use a very sharp pencil and that’s just fine. and it doesn’t run and washes out.

Drawing on wool fabric (kläde) is really difficult, but the ballpoint pen worked for this time, I had already started my embroidery when I read her answer.

Wool embroidery - starting over

Now I am following the lines practicing the Stem Stitch (stjälkstygn), a stitch I have used a lot, though before I used to sew longer stitches with quite a bit of overlapping. Now, in yummy wool, I am trying to get thicker lines going for the “rope look”, hehe. I’ll keep you posted on the update!

Inspiration: Embroidery & Space

If you’re interested in not-so-traditional embroidery you should check out Rachel Hobson’s beautiful beautiful space embroidery (I ♥ it!) at Average Jane Crafter and her new Space and Embroidery resource page, a theme that kind of references my own series of Fly photo embroidery? A wee bit at least. Oh, also take the time to read the post of textile artist Patti Roberts-Pizzuto who also is fascinated with micro- and macro-cosmos; A Walk Through The Universe, writing about The Fleeting Moment, The Backward Glance! I love Patti’s new-to-me blog Missouribend Studio, her writing and her awesome artwork. :-)

8 Responses

  1. So nice Hanna… Today I bought some christmas fabric in Ikea.
    You gave me the inspiration to embroider on it with bright colors.

  2. This is so lovely. One of my favorites. Although it seems like everything you post is my favorite! :)

  3. Looks like a beautiful book. I borrowed Ingrid Eggiman-Jonsson: “Yllebroderier” from the library some time a go. Wonderful book from the same tradision as yours. It is from 2001, but you might still be able to fine it. Good luck with your embroidery! It is great fun, isn’t it? :)

  4. Anne Berit, thanks for the recommendation. I’ve read that book many times, I love it! I have even made a pillow inspired by her work (pink birds), I should take photos of that and blog about those too some day. And the new book Yllebroderier, by Hemsl?jden, is beautiful if you’re into embroidery!

  5. Thank you Elisabet, I’m counting on it! You will let me know when I can attend one of your wool embroidery classes that is not to far away I hope!? :-)

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