Raspberry and pear hats

I have been very inspired by the styles and colours of the hats that Cosymakes made last year. And the sheer volume of them is impressive. I found her on flickr and now she has started Cosymakes blog, which is very nice and added to my links.

Me in green cap

I have some bags filled with different small balls of yarn in my stash. I found some at flea markets last summer and couldn’t resist the beauty of them. I seldom can. Now I really try to realize I can’t store it all, but back then I didn’t even think about it. I just had to buy it.

New caps

Anyway, I took some different colours out and started to crochet in the round. The first one was in lots of green shades and was soon adopted by my fiancé, who has been using it a lot lately. So I made one for me, in pinks and reds, raspberry coloured.

Me in green cap

I was trying to increase and decrease when I thought it was a good time to do it, and the hat was shaped as it went a long. Both hats are a bit wobbly at the top, and itchy on the forehead, but otherwise very nice. I love the shape of mine. Big enough to let me wear a pony tail inside it, but the edge is very tight so that is doesn’t let the wind in by the ears and glasses. What more can you wish for in a home made crocheted cap?

The photos of me and ♥-P are from fjällen where it was lots of snow during Christmas. I have already showed a photo of the recycled sweater cap in green that I made, but it looks much nicer on my head, outdoors like this:

Me in green cap

14 Responses

  1. J?ttefina m?ssor – och inspirerande! Var fick du id?n till den ?tervunna m?ssan med p?rlor? Anv?nde du n?got m?nster som jag skulle kunna ta efter?

  2. Emma: M?ssan bara blev till, n?r materialet fanns d?r. Jag har klippt p? fri hand i en tovad tr?ja, och bara m?tt efter mitt eget huvud. Det var l?tt. P?rlorna har jag sytt p? lite som det k?ndes bra, det var l?tt. Bara att experimentera! Lycka till, mejla mig n?r du har gjort ditt m?sterverk!

  3. Hi there,
    Great hats!
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Sorry for short comment, my fingers going numb!

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