Knitty Calendar Girl – I’m May

Did you get the big news yet? I’m now a Knitty Calendar Girl. It feels pretty awesome.

Jag är Maj  - I'm May Calendar Girl for Knitty
Smilla is impressed to say the least!

I’m the May Girl of the year, hihi.

flickr_pinkindeedI’ve been spending some time at where most of my recent photos are. I’ve made a new photo set called pink indeed that I thought was really fun to put together. I tried to find all my own pictures that are really intensively pink. I have quite a few, but far from enough. I need to start taking photos of more pink!

I also divided my thrifting pictures into two different sets, one of places and one of stuff aka my finds and things I’ve brought home.

flickr_thriftyplaces flickr_thriftedfinds I’ve never set out to record everything I buy, and I don’t, but when I get something that I want to tell you about I take some pictures, and now I’ve learned to like this collection of items photographed at random. Some are really horrible pictures, but some are inspiring and remind me of good days with mom and of my flickr fame.

In 2004 (can you believe how long ago that is?!!) we kept a Photographic journal online called Kära fotodagbok. I had so much fun with it, and I still enjoy all the pictures put in chronological order.

All honour to, but I get a wee bit tired of it sometimes; how it looks and frames my photos. So for a bit of change, I’ve started a new Photo diary in Swedish, that you are welcome to visit. That is, if you want even more bits and pieces of my life. I’ll keep it in Swedish, but the photos speak the universal language I think. I don’t know if I’ll keep it for a year, or just until 10th of November when the Man returns home perhaps. We’ll see.

For now I’m catching “cat walks” with my camera as well as school hours and friends, and having fun at the same time. No demands or expectations of keeping it for ever or doing it a certain way. Some days there is just no photos I want to shoot, then I’ll do something else.

Might snap a photo like this one:


That’s what I’ve been up to lately. And longing for May of course.

12 Responses

  1. Congratulations on being May! Great picture :) I visited your photo diary as well, more great pictures. I’m not a great photographer myself, but I wish I knew how to continue taking ok pictures now that winter is coming. I’ve got a Canon Digital IXUS 700, so that’s not helping either. I guess I’d have to set up some good lighting in my studio for capturing my crafts and use a tripod. It’s so silly with a tripod for a tiny digital camera though :)

  2. Kalenderflicka!! S? himla kul och vilken fin bild! Har du tagit den sj?lv? Jag har ?gnat en l?ng stund med att titta p? dina bilder i fotodagboken. Fast n?r jag kom fram till den gamla fotodagboken s? fick det r?cka f?r ikv?ll. Men vilken rolig id?! Och j?ttefina bilder tar du!

  3. vilken h?rlig fotodagbok! jag ?lskar i synnerhet dina smillabilder, hon ser s? mjuk och gosig ut :-) och vilken kul id? med en dag d?r man provar p? s?dant man inte brukar g?ra, som att spela kyrkorgel!

  4. … och nu n?r jag har tittat p? stickbilden f?r maj m?ste jag s?ga att den ?r helt underbar (fast som svensk upplevs den nog lite mer som juni, juli, augusti ?n maj ;-) ).

  5. hi hanna! i have a question — how do you blog Flickr sets? =) I only know how to blog individual photos from Flickr.

  6. Everyone: Thank you!

    Strikkelise Ja, jag fick vottem?nstret. Ska bara skriva ut det ocks?!

    Malin I have taken a lot of winter pictures with our Ixus 400 and it works fine, just use it a lot and add light! :-) Have fun taking lots of photos!

    Linda V Det ?r min pojkv?n som tagit bilden, men det ?r jag som st?llt dit honom och planerat hur allt skulle se ut. Det var kul att leka fotomodell! :-)

    Maria Ja, visst ?r det sensommar mer ?n v?rm?nad, men jag ?r g?rna Maj!

    U L A N I don’t think you can blog individual sets from flickr really, I have made small pictures from my sets with photoshop and published them here with links to the sets. Magic! ;-)

    Anneli Jaaaa, det ?r sant. J?ttekonstigt men sant.

  7. Kolla vad jag har hittat!! V?rldens gulligaste Hanna i v?rldens mysigaste blogg! Den gjorde min dag mycket mer rosaskimmrande ?n n?r jag vaknade med magsm?rtor i morse! Shit vad du e pysslig! Kramar din klassis M

  8. Nu hittade jag ?ntligen l?nken till Majbilden. Var inne och kollade n?gon dag sedan, m?ste ha varit blind som inte hittade d?. En s?n vacker st?mningsful sommarkv?llsbild – klart du passar p? att sticka!

    Tittade igenom dina bildsamlingar. Kul och inspirerande!

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