Summer crush: my balcony retreat What’s up, buttercup? Have you been enjoying summer or longing for it to end? I think this year I am in… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Summer Crush: Hello Kitty – my old friend The summer journal that I made for myself is going strong. My ambition was to work in it every day, but… Categories Art journaling
Summer is for Reading {Fantasy} Books I think that autumn and winter is for writing. To cozy up inside, preferably under a quilted blanket with a cup… Categories Read a book
Summer is my favorite season I haven’t been blogging much lately, and I’d like to (at least partly) blame the Swedish Summer for that… I love… Categories Photography
A Beautiful Midsummer Weekend When it felt like summer was just about to start, there was Midsummer (this past Friday) – telling us that half… Categories Creativity & Life
Sun Printing Fabric One of my biggest Summer Crushes has always been Coloring Fabric Outside! Using paint and dye in the grass makes cleaning… Categories Crafts
Summer Crush | Sitting by the Water I’ve already written about outdoor creating sitting by the water, so this is a photo post, in case you need some… Categories Photography
Summer Crush | Outdoor Creating The stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Summer Crush | Broholmer Puppies A friend of ours has several dogs, the biggest one is a female Broholmer called Gaia. The breed is still very… Categories Photography
Summer Crush | The Flea Market I love everything about the summer in general. And every summer about this time when it comes to visiting flea markets,… Categories Thrift & Recycle
Finishing projects The weekend and today – that is all that is left of my very long summer holiday. I’m trying to finish… Categories Creativity & Life