iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap fall 2020

iHannas DIY Postcard Swap fall 2020 + book about mail art coming soon - pre-order yours now

It’s time to join the DIY Postcard Swap fall 2020! You are invited to sign up and make ten handmade postcards that should be ready to send out 26 of October (last day to sign up will be 24th of October). And since it’s still our 10th Anniversary year of doing this swap, I have a special offer for you.

A book about DIY Postcards?

Mockup of DIY Postcard Book cover by Hanna Andersson aka iHanna - pre-order your copy nowI’m making a book about the swap and my own adventures into DIY Postcard creating over the years, and it will be on special offer for those that want to sign up for the swap or pre-order it before the swap closes! This book will be delivered as a digital file (a PDF-file that can be read on your computer or tablet) no later than 24th of December (because I can’t send it now, it’s not quite done yet). I will work on it in October, so maybe it will come a lot sooner, who knows? But at least you will have some good reading for Christmas for sure.

I am hoping that it will be a yummy wonderful documentation of the swap over the years, but most of all, a colorful, happy mail art book of techniques and ideas for making your own postcards! Most of it will be my edited blog posts from over they ten years I have been hosting this fun swap, but also some newly created material and photos never shared on the blog!

Later on I might make it into a printed book, but if that happens I will need more time and some backing. So, if you want it as a tangible book, let me know! Let me know below or via mail if you’d be interested in a real copy of iHanna’s DIY Postcard Book in the future, even though it might be a pricey book since printing color photos always costs more than just text books (which is why I’m making it digital for now). And shipping, let’s not even go there this year, right?

For those new to me and the blog you might not remember that I have already made a few books, the first one was the blog book A Creative Year that is still available as a printed book from Lulu.

A few of the many pages that you will find in iHanna's upcoming book
Read more about the DIY Postcard Idea book here.

Pre-order book price + swap info

pre-order your book now for best price - at www.ihanna.nu #diypostcardswap #ihannaspostcardswapThere is a fee to sign up for the swap -  but I have a special offer for those joining the swap this time. For participation in the swap + the digital book you can pay a special price right now (the book will be delivered via e-mail once it’s done)! Yay!

Note that the price for the digital book will go up after the 24th of October when the swap closes, so even if you can’t join the swap this time, you should get the book now or you’ll regret it later!

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Read more about the swap here and sign up.

Lots of DIY Postcard Inspiration for a rainy day

I will be sharing a lot of inspiring DIY Postcards here on the blog in the upcoming weeks – so stay tuned!

DIY Postcard Swap
Stay at home and make postcards. Download the free DIY Post-card backsides!

Some of the images promoting the swap in previous years:
10 years anniversary of the DIY Postcard Swap #diyPostcardSwap

19 Responses

  1. All signed up and eager for the new swap! It’s always a joy to find postcards from around the world in my mailbox! Thank you, Hanna xox

  2. I signed up for your blog when I went to confirm my email it didn’t work can you you send me another subscription that I can confirm my email

    • Hi Dianna, thanks for signing up (or trying to). I’m not sure what you mean “it didn’t work”, but I’ve added your e-mail again, so hopefully you’ve got the confirmation e-mail now. If you can’t find it, please check your spam folder, it could’ve been directed there if we’re unlucky. Let me know if you need further help. :-)

  3. I’m signed up and super excited! I love being artistic, sending, and receiving postcards!

    • Thank you so much Laura for your enthusiasm and for joining the Anniversary DIY Postcard Swap! I’m excited too. :-)

  4. Would love to participate in this swap. Please contact me and let me know the details, as I have never done this before. – Gail Anderson

    • Hi Gail,
      I’m not sure if you clicked the link in this post that say “Read more about the swap and sign up here” before entering your question? That is the information page of the swap, with rules and clear instructions on who can join, when postcards should be finished, even how to enter your own address, and how to sign up? There is also a whole section on that page called FAQ, with frequently asked questions about postcard size, material and such. Could you read those pages please, and then e-mail me back with a more specific question of what you want to know more about – if you still have questions then? I’d be happy to help and hope you’ll want to join the swap! :-)

  5. Mom and I are excited to be signed up for another of your postcard swaps! Looking forward to spreading smiles through artwork again! Thanks for hosting!

  6. I always look forward to your Swaps, Hanna! Happy Anniversary! What a year it has been! Thank goodness for happy mail like your DIY Postcards! And congrats on your book! So exciting!

  7. Signed, Sealed, Delivered….I’m Yours!
    Got myself signed up for the swap and looking forward to seeing your book!
    I better start cleaning my work area so I can start creating! This is a big part of what the swap does for me…get’s me back on track.

  8. I didn’t see the sign up date and am a few days late but hope I am still in? Already have my cards made!

    • Hi Leada, thanks for joining the swap again. As long as the sign-up period is still open (as it is for another week) that choice is available. When it’s closed, I remove that link from the info page ASAP. :-)

      Also, not sure you read the blog post above, but in almost the very first sentence, it says, and I quote:

      You are invited to sign up and make ten handmade postcards that should be ready to send out 26 of October (last day to sign up will be 24th of October).


  9. I am all signed up. This is my second one. I am excited to trying new media formats for creating my postcards. Everyone does such an excellent job. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. :)

    • Well, thank YOU for joining again and sharing your wonderful creativity with all of us! I very much appreciate that.

  10. Hi Hanna,
    I signed up on the 21st and my postcards are all set.
    Just waiting on the addresses and am super excited
    Thanks for hosting this again and happy 10th anniversary!

    • Hi Cathy,
      I’ve e-mailed you twice and I can not do anything more unless you contact me from another e-mail address since you’re not getting my e-mails to your yahoo address at this time (not sure if you check your spam folder but do that just in case)! This issue happens from time to time due to my e-mails being marked as spam by the server (probably), and it’s described in the FAQ etc, so please send me an e-mail from another address and I will get your list to you again ASAP! :-)

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