365 Collages | Week 16 | English Garden Party

There are days when solitude is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall. Colette

Tea for two - Collage 107 of 365 by iHanna
Tea for two – collage no 107 by iHanna.

Welcome to my English Garden Party!

Don’t stay at home alone, bring a friend and come over because it’s going to be a party that lasts all night…

A lovely Garden Party with these seven new collages for my 365 Project this year. We will serve tea in thin china cups, live music in the evening and some slow waltzing over the lawn at dusk…

Some of the older ladies will stay and do embroidery, because who wants to go home when the sun is still painting the sky turquoise.

There will be drinks and snacks for the gentlemen and their wives in the late evening, and some will stay dancing all through the night I’m sure.

Here are the collages, that remind me of a English Garden Party. Maybe they remind you of something totally different?

Let's play something - Collage 108 of 365 by iHanna
Let’s play something – collage no 108 by iHanna.

Gathering - Collage no 109 of 365 by iHanna
Gathering – collage no 109 by iHanna.

Space to dance - Collage no 110 of 365 in 2018 by iHanna
Space to dance – collage no 110 by iHanna.

Embroidery Advice - Collage 111 of 365 by iHanna
Embroidery Advice – collage no 111 by iHanna.

Time for Snacks - Collage 112 of 365 by iHanna
Time for Snacks – collage no 112 by iHanna.

Garden Party - Collage 113 of 365 by iHanna
Garden Party – collage no 113 by iHanna.

If you like my collages, please feel free to pin this image to your Pinterest board:

iHanna's 365 Collages Week 16 2018 #365somethings2018 #collage #art

What collage patch will you dance over tonight?

Thanks for being here, and reading my blog and leaving me a comment below. I appreciate that a lot. :-)

Follow along for 365 days

Follow me on Facebook and then check out Pinterest to see what others are creating in our 365 Somethings Project. You can also check out / follow the hashtag #365somethings2018 on Instagram for artsy updates there. It’s all good.

This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna | Other Participants and Resources.

Bonus: Feel free to leave me a comment on a previous week 16 of collages, from back when I did a 365 project in 2013, in case you don’t remember it or didn’t read my blog back then.

Previously: Week 15 | Next up week 17

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