The Purple Table Runner

I’ve sewn together a very easy table runner for a friend of mine. I still adore the table runner we’ve got on our living room table right now, the polka dot one I made this spring. It really makes me happy, with all those bright colors together. I can’t wait to make another one for us, when I find the time, in more “iHanna colors”.

Sewing scraps together to make a purple table runner for a friend, photo and sewing by iHanna #quilting

If I couldn’t create there would be nothing for me to live for. It’s selfish, I know, but geniuses are selfish.
Miles Davis

For now I am going to share the second table runner I made, a purple one for a friend who has been without somewhere to live for a couple of months. As she was moving around to different locations, in search of a permanent situation, I sat down to sew a table cloth for her new home. And when she finally found a tiny apartment that suits her perfectly, I gave this table runner to her as a welcome-home-gift, instead of flowers.

Not a fan of purple

I’m not a fan of purple, but my friend is, so why not give it a try? I made this one of different weights of non-qulting fabrics in purple that I had in my stash, and one light pink shade of cotton that I painted with fabric glitter paint a long time ago. I absolutely love how it turned out, with all the different textures, subtle in tone, patterns and with some shimmery effects on the silky fabrics. Yum!

Sewing scraps together to make a purple table runner for a friend, photo and sewing by iHanna #quilting

The back of it is just as yummy. I didn’t find a second hand fabric in my stash that I thought could go with the front, so went with this new rosy one that I adore. It’s way too pretty to be the backside of anything, if you ask me, but I had to use it. It was a perfect fit.

Sewing lilac scraps together to make a purple table runner, photo and sewing by iHanna #quiltin

Fab, as my friend would say.

iHanna's Lilac Table Runner for a friend, photo and sewing by iHanna #quilting

My purple table runner consists of thick stripes sewn together, a middle fabric and a backing. I didn’t quilt it much at all, just around the edge and a few lines accross the strips. But I think it turned out great. What was the last thing you sewed up on your sewing machine? Or if you don’t own or use a sewing machine, what would you make if you could?

Wishing you a Happy Midsummer Weekend!

4 Responses

  1. Oh Hanna! Thank you for another inspiring post. I’m sure that you lifted your friend’s spirits tremendously and that she will treasure this for many years to come. What a lovely ‘welcome home’!

    • Aw, thank you Lauren. So happy that you find my blog and writing inspiring. That means a lot to me. Happy rest of the summer to you!

    • Thank you Silvia, quick and easy sewing is my favorite kind indeed. I get bored if I try to do something that is too elaborate. This kind of project I can finish and move on from, love that. Take care!

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