Dear Photo Diary | Easter Eye Candy

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.
When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
Ansel Adams

Easter Flowers

It is post Easter. I’ve finished my tiny Easter Egg (so small that it fitted in the palm of my hand), it wasn’t too hard because it only contained three pieces of chocolate candy. But I am not complaining about its size, because we had plenty of yummy food and drinks for everyone, plus big bowls of candy sitting around just waiting for ahem… me?

I’m no foodie as you know. My favorite thing about any holiday is the family meetings and to bring out the special decorations from storage. To change the living room up a bit, in a special way and for a special celebration. And Easter is awesome because it has lots of pretty decorations. This year it also brought the first sign of spring colors…

Easter Candy

Hello pink feathers, tiny green leafs blooming indoors and yellow, yellow, yellow. Yum!

Mom's Easter Decoration

Bringing in tree branches for Easter and decorating them with feathers, paper craft or eggs is a Swedish tradition I love. We call it påskris, and if you want to read more about it visit Ninette’s blog where she recently wrote about the origins of this tradition and how it is her favorite Easter tradition.

I love how the bare winter twigs come alive when you bring them indoors and give them water. It’s exciting to get a preview of spring…

Easter Decoration II

Happy red Tulips

Easter Eggs for the kids

I’ve been digging out my stash of cute stickers, and going to town with decorating using them in my diary and other notebooks. I’m journaling, making lists and planner pages – and it’s super inspiring and fun. This files under hashtag #4grownups2, right?

Sticker Heaven all around
Sticker heaven.

Spring table cloth
And hey – be bold, don’t be a chicken! Not during Easter, and not after either.

Easter April 2015 on instagram

I hope you’re documenting your own eye candy, in some way that suits your needs. I so love that you are letting me share mine with you. Thanks! If you want to see more of what catches my eye, find me on flickr and instagram too.

Wishing you a beautiful week and sending lots of metta your way!

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