Creating Time Capsules

Charlotta's iPhone

Sharing two of my latest blog crushes today, and some thoughts on documenting your days, weeks and years – and life in general.

Creating Time Capsule Videos

A while back I found, via the colorcolor-tag on instagram, photographer and videopgrahper Xanthe. She creates these amazing short videos about her everyday life and family. They are so wonderful, full of light and beauty and inspiration. And awesome, happy music! She calls these music videos Time Capsules – and isn’t it a beautiful name? I ♥ that! I’m calling my new video series that too, but in Swedish.

I’ve been looking through her time capsules and I can’t help but smiling. This kind of documentation project always makes me happy.

Her videos totally made me want to compile some of my personal video snippets into something grand (I made the first one filled with creativity snippets in April). I made a similar video project about happiness a few years back, but the youtube rendering/video quality on those makes them horrid to watch. Especially after watching Xanthe’s videos!

Check out my latest blog crush and watch Xanthe’s Monthly Video snippets from 2013!

Photo Book Layouts

Also via Instagram, I stumbled upon someone who, like me, has made a Week in the life-photo book. Her name is Suzanne O’Brien and she is a professional photographer and book designer, so she has a lot of yummy inspiration on her blog. I fell in love with her series of posts called Photo Book Friday – so many pretty books, layout ideas and photos there! I’ve been looking back through her extensive archive and again, having a real blog crush. I love her WITL-book, and feel inspired to start my second one about 2013 in fall.

If you’re into any kind of memory keeping this summer, you will find inspiration at Suzanne’s blog! For example check out the Summer Travel Documentation and her Road trip photo book. Yum!

A video documenting a small piece of your life doesn’t have to be long, perfect or elaborate.You don’t need advanced techniques either, most phones these days can record moving pictures. Just catch a few snippets of movement, and compile it into something for the future! And a photo book doesn’t have to have all your photos in it, just a book about a special day or latest trip – how awesome is that?

What will you put in your “time capsule”? And what blogs are you crushing on right now?

2 Responses

  1. Thanks so much Hanna, your kind words made my day. And isn’t Xanthe B. the best? Had a chance to meet her a few years ago and she is every bit as lovely as you would imagine :) Happy memory keeping! xoxo

    • Thanks right back at ya Suzanne, for leaving me a comment to let me know you visited – that is so great. And to think you’ve met Xanthe? What a small world it is, huh? :-)

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