The Urge to Sew Scrappy Pouches

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
Marianne Williamson

iHanna's Scrappy Pouches

I love scraps! Not only the paper scraps I use all the time, but fabric scraps too. I think I collect them. And pet them, but don’t tell anyone. I love how scraps let’s you mix and match something small into something new.

Handmade by me Pouches

From a few of the many scraps I’ve sewn two scrappy pouches for myself, one pink and one green. Love them! Pink and green are my favorite colors!

Backside of pink scrappy pouch

I used linen as the bases, and the decorated the front, and back with pretty ribbons, and tiny bits of fabric.

Pink scrappy pouch with zipper - Copyright Hanna Andersson

According to wikipedia, the word pouch may refer to: a small bag such as a pocket, teabag, money bag, etc. And that’s exactly what these are. Small pockets.

Green Scrap Pouch

They’re small and perfect for storing this and that in.

Heart Ribbon and Lace - close up Copyright Hanna Andersson

If I didn’t have to finish things up I could sew on the decorations on these – all day long. I love that part, because it’s like doing fabric collage. And I love collage! But once all that fun stuff is done, you need to finish the project to even have a something that you can use. A pouch! And a pouch needs a closure.

Button closure Copyright Hanna Andersson

The green pouch, that has the pom-pom ribbon on the front (love that) got a button on the inside. I hand sew these in and love how simple and easy they are to both add and use. Yay for simple!

Zipper by amateur

My pink pouch got a wine red zipper. Zippers are not so simple, especially when you don’t sew very often. I couldn’t figure it out… My brain went all flustered, but then I sewed it in anyway. I did turn the lining the wrong way, but oh, well. It’s finished. And signed:

Pink Princess Tag for

You know how you sometimes get this urge to create something special? The urge to sew came over me. So happy I could go with the feeling this time!

I hope you can follow one of your inspirations soon too!

12 Responses

  1. I just love these! They are adorable. Pink & green are my favorite colors too. Thank you for showing us all of your projects, ideas, inspiration & thoughts! Keeping up with a blog is hard work! All of what you share is so appreciated.

    Very best to you,
    Sheila in Oregon

  2. The pompoms make me smile! I have tons of fabric scraps lying around — maybe I’ll try to make myself a scrappy pouch, too.

  3. These are some cute little bags….makes me want to get out my sewing machine and try it. I need to finish a quilt first. I’m loving all the cute trims and embellishments you put on them. I also noticed that you have been making books…I really like the color brown too! Happy creating!!!

  4. So funny–I’ve been sewing pouches quite a bit lately as well. They are so satisfying to make. I like your use of scraps and trims. Very nice. And your zipper looks pretty good to me…!

  5. …I meant to say at the time, but these are gorgeous! They are so pretty. I am inspired to make one too. I wanted to ask: did you use a specific pattern or pull it out of your head? I’ve been looking, but wondered if you had a favourite pattern that I could peek at. Thank you so much :)

    • Thank you so much!
      Sorry I can’t give you a pattern because I just made them up as I went along. The size of the pink pouch is about 19 x 15,5 centimeters, and it’s just two equal pieces that I first decorated and then sewed together.

      I hope you do make one, though. Let me know if you do!

      • I thought you had done, but just in case… Thank you so much for letting me know anyways and I certainly will let you know when I have made said pouch.

        In the ‘tween time of posting my Q, I pulled out my fabric scraps and spare zipper so I am ready to roll once I pick a tutorial to reference (I like to have one just in case)… I’m looking forward to some stitching time again :)

  6. I like your little pouches. I think I would like to try to make some pouches for eye glasses. Thanks for the ideas of decorating them!

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