Art Journal Peek | Neon Dots

Art Journal Detail: Patterns

There is so many things you can put down on a page in your art journal, you know. Endless ideas floating around. Sometimes it feels, really, like your brain is empty and you can’t come up with anything. But then there is always dots. You can paint dots on top of a colour, but you can also paint the dots first.

Art Journal Detail: Pink Dots

Then go in with acrylic paint and paint around the dots in another colour you like. The combinations you can make are endless.

Art Journal Peek: Three different Patterns

Too bad Time for Painting Patterns is not endless too.

12 Responses

  1. I’m loving these colours, especially the hot pink/green combination!
    I have a question about your camera – I have been needing to get a DSLR for ages but just can’t make the decision – I would like to take portrait photos with a very short focal length (F stop, say 1.2) so that I can really blur the background. Can you do that with your Nikon D50? Hope you don’t mind me asking!
    Best wishes Sandra

  2. wow, vilka färger! Hittade precis i förrgår ett par tomma album här hemma som jag tänkte att kanske jag borde börja min egen art journal eller nåt, blir så inspirerad av dina inlägg alltid! kanske det nu äntligen skulle vara dags – bara liksom sätta igång och göra det i stället för att planera att nån gång sen när jag har allt på plats så då. Anyways, härliga färger, härliga mönster!

  3. ooooo lively and happy spots in your journal….don’t you love mindless painting patterns?! It is addicting and fun. Love the color combinations! Also, thanks for visiting my blog! I love your blog with the daily events too…would have loved to go to the flea market!! I have a local junk store I like to go to….maybe I should blog about it!!

  4. no overthinking ….no inhibitions… matter how and just paint……wish i could stop thinking so much before i set paint to paper…. love this inspiring blog!

  5. I remember having neon color sharpies somewhere in the studio… might dig them out this weekend! Love the pattern and colours! Enjoy your weekend Hanna!

  6. Hello iHanna, I have been reading your blog from the start, and it is always so fresh and full of life. I love these pages with their vibrant colours and patterns – simple is often best, don’t you think, but sometimes very difficult to achieve or make interesting.

    Hope you have a lovely day.

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