Shared Mail Art Links

iHannas started postcards

Favorite bloggers and friends (like Quinn and Madde) have mentioned the swap on their blog (and on g+, instagram & twitter etc), something I’m very grateful for. When you’ve posted something about your postcard process or the finished cards, feel free to share that post’s link address below along with your first name or nickname (no need to post the blog’s name). Thanks for joining and sharing.

Participants that blog the swap

1. Sandra 19. Elizabeth 37. Coriander 2
2. Madde 20. iHanna #3 38. Randi S
3. Quinn Creative 21. Vonnie May 2 39. Åshild (scrowscrowl)
4. Melanie 22. Natasha 40. Vonnie May #3
5. Lee 23. Matthew 41. Tricia
6. Tanja 24. Virginia 42. Coriander #3
7. Madde 2 25. Quinn Creative 43. Candace
8. Vonnie May 26. Sandra #3 44. Å shild (scrowlscrowl)
9. Madde 3 27. steviewren 45. Hagit
10. Madde 4 28. Julie Lapointe 46. Coriander4/ Heidianna
11. iHanna 29. Tameko 2 47. sandra #4
12. iHanna #2 30. Tammy 48. Patti Robinson
13. Tameko 31. Coriander 49. Vonnie May #4
14. Eunice 32. Madde 5 50. iHanna #4
15. Natasha 33. Emily Lagore 51. Victoria
16. Sandra 2 34. Anne( dore)
17. Cyndee 35. Anne
18. Susan 36. Kathryn

This site was using Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets – but not accepting new links here anymore, but of course if you haven’t signed up for the DIY Postcard Swap there is plenty of time to join!

Please come back to this post to visit more creative mail art posts, be inspired and leave kind comments for new & old blogging friends out there in the world!

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24 Responses

  1. can one link photos from say facebook? since i don’t have a blog or other on-line sites…

  2. I had so much fun creating my cards – can’t wait to send them out and to receive some in return. I used old christmas cards for mine – keeping with the sustainability theme! My blog shows a bit of the process I used – but not the finished cards…..that’s a surprise for those receiving them. Thanks for the fun Hanna!

  3. I just came to add my link and saw you added my one from last week. Thank you!! :) This has been so much fun, I am looking forward to looking through and seeing what everyone did.

  4. I mailed my cards to international recipients today, and will mail the U.S. recipients tomorrow. The cards are from my Material Whirl project, which was supposed to be a one-per-day project, but now is just a “whenever” project. On my blog, start here, and move ahead through the next 9 entries, and you will see all 10 cards that I have sent out. I hope you will also take time to look at others, and feel free to leave comments!

  5. Thank you for organizing this swap iHanna, it’s always a pleasure to participate and to see what others have done!

  6. This swap is a fantastic project that I have really enjoyed. This was my first time doing it! I’m curious to know if anyone else has swaps going on. I just really got into art journaling and I am just fascinated by all the inspiration and the ability to just go with it.

  7. Loved participating for the first time. Have shared a few pics on Instagram @rikkevisse. :) Rikke

  8. Thank you for organizing and hosting the swap Hanna! It was a fun and creative challenge.

  9. thanks so much for all your hard work organizing this swap Hanna – I have had so much fun!! Sent off my postcards (a day or two late – oops – sorry) and today I recieved my first couple of cards!!

  10. Hanna, I once again had a blast making my postcards.
    I love receiving postcards and want to thank you all for the great ones I have received so far and will receive soon.

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