DIY Postcard Swap 2013

DIY Postcard swap banner 2013

It’s time for iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap! Sign up now and start your mail art experimenting today!

The second year of the DIY Postcard Swap a whopping 2800 postcards were created! This year is the fourth time I’m doing a spring swap because I still love swapping and receiving handmade mail art! How about you?

I welcome you to join me (again or for the first time), create ten original handmade postcards to send out to the world! Everyone is welcome at any artistic level to this international swap full of colour, artistic play and happy mail box surprises!

Sign up and note the dates

You pay a small fee of 6.00 $ (6 US dollars is about 38 Swedish crowns) to participate. I’ve found it ensures better participation from those who actually commit! And my swap keeps growing each year (it’s now an awesome and well awaited event!) and it takes time to answer questions, distribute hundreds of addresses and stay organized with it all. Right now I really need to do things that are sustainable to my life. By participating you also help sponsor this blog. Thanks for your support!

You pay via paypal (use your paypal account or pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest), and once you’ve sent the money to my account you will be directed to a sign up-page where I will need your full name, your full postal address including country (!) and of course a working email-address (if it doesn’t work I can not send you the 10 addresses where you should send your postcards)!

[paypal button removed – postcard swap closed]

Sign up ends March 24th! Until then keep spreading the word to friends. The week after Monday March 24th you will receive your ten swap partner’s addresses to the email address you sign up with!

Deadline for sending out postcards is last day of March! You can send them out as soon as you get the addresses from me! Note: You will not get your addresses until the week after Sunday 24th when sign-up is closed!

The DIY Postcard Swap Rules

The rules are simple, but please read these rules and follow through on your part if you choose to sign up. You will disappoint me and real people waiting for your handmade postcards if you don’t finish on time.

1. Join the swap by paying the 6 dollar fee via paypal and then filling in your information on the sign in page! Do this before the 24th of March 2013. Please note that this swap is not for children, as requested by other participants.

In the sign up field please state in this order:

  • full name,
  • postal address,
    including country (!),

2. Make 10 handmade postcards any style – your choice of postcard size.

And have fun!

Bought postcards are beautiful – but those are not welcome in this swap. Instead try to be artistic with your cards!

DIY actually means “Do It Yourself”, and you can experiment with what you’ve got at home. Try collage, mixed media, print your own photos, print digital collages, create flat fabric art, alter an existing postcard from your paper stash (!), paint with watercolors or acrylics, draw a mandala, make a scrapbook style card, embellish, sew, paint, embroider, etc! I’ve got plenty of inspiration under the tag postcards on my blog

3. Document and share what you make!

This one is optional, but rather fun too.

Feel free to scan or take photos and write about your process on your own blog or share it in the postcard flickr pool! You don’t need to have a blog to sign up, nor do you need to share but it would be nice if you took the time to be supportive in our creative community (commenting, making extra cards for those who don’t get all of theirs etc). Swapping is about being a part this awesome group of people who loves to swap too! Thanks for visiting other participants, spreading your creativity and leaving encouraging comments etc. Include your email if you want to be contacted/thanked by the receiver (connect with each other!).

4. Get your postcards to the post office no later than March 30! This is important!

Tell your friends and family

iHanna's DIY Postcard Swap 2013 (link button)Tell your friends! I usually get my cousin, mom and a few friends to sign up, why don’t you invite yours too? If they don’t read this blog you can just ask them if they are interested and help them get signed up – just make sure they know the dates + rules of what they sign up for. Spread the word; you’re welcome to link here, share this post on FB, creative groups and forums, via twitter (I’m @ihanna) or write about the swap in your next blog post or newsletter or even add one of the swap buttons I’ve designed to your sidebar (above), linking to this very post!

♥ Thank you for helping out and spreading the word!

Also I would love it if you joined my newsletter – in that way I can share upcoming iHanna events with you.

Ready to sign up? Here is the button again:

[paypal button removed – postcard swap closed]

iHanna's DIY Postcard Swap 2013 (link button version 2) If you don’t have a paypal account yet know that it’s easy to set up, free and handles payments secure and pain free for all kinds of online venues. Just set one up now! Once you have it you can join the swap, and maybe check out a cool Etsy Shop too? You can also click the button and then choose to pay with your debit or credit card (VISA etc) as a PayPal guest! Yeah, I know, super easy!

Now, go make some postcards!

Disclaimer: I will only share your postal information with the 10 people that will send you postcards. You are not signed up if you don’t include your postal address AND an email address that works in the form that you are redirected to after paying. Do not comment with a message saying; “I want to join”. If you get a confirmation mail from paypal you are signed up. Please check your spam folder first, then contact me if you need to!

The DIY Postcard Swap Resources:

Questions? Contact me if you need to! Oh and you send the postcards as regular postcards with a greeting + postal address on the back, and the artwork/pic on the front. You could send it in an envelope if it is very elaborate or bulky, but personally I prefer the postcard style. People will not expect to “use it” further but will want to hang it up, admire it and keep it. I keep all my postcards in a handmade binder and look at them every now and then. Such a treasure!

If you are not redirected to the sign up page on site make sure you fill it in after paying by clicking here. Thank you!

52 Responses

  1. I would really like to participate again this year, but unfortunately I don´t have the time. I have a art show coming up and I have to use all my spare time to prepare for that. Next year maybe :)

    • Too bad because I looove the postcard by you that is still hanging on my wall here by my side. Good luck with the exhibition painting!

  2. I signed up today – woohoo! But, just to give you a heads up, our Paypal acct is in my husband’s name: purkeydan. If you can remember, send the follow up/sign up email to me, and I’ll alert Dan to watch his emails too. Looking forward to it.

  3. Hmmm, I want to participate….but you’re not giving us much time to make cards!

    • Zoe, sorry you feel that! But from right now you have 4 weekends (or over 4 weeks depending on how you want to count) to make the cards… I’d think that is plenty of time to create a bunch of mail art… Start now – and sign up next week if you then have the feeling that you can make the deadline.

      Would love to have you!

      • Great minds think alike :) I’ve indeed already started and figured if I felt confident I could get them finished in time, I’ll sign up. I don’t want to be late or disappoint anybody!

  4. yahoo, Ive signed up. Thanks Hanna, so looking forward to another swap. :) :) :)

  5. Okay, anyone who doesn’t sign up for this is just silly.
    I get great art from your swaps.


    p.s. I’m making an extra one to send to Smilla. Please see that she lays down on it.

  6. I’ve done it every year and I’m not stopping now! Thanks Hanna for maintaining a fun annual tradition of mail art… xx tj

  7. I LOVE your post card swaps, have signed up and made the first one!
    So exciting! My 5 year old granddaughter gets almost as excited as me when the cards start to arrive. She would love to swap with another 5 – 7 year old somewhere in the world. If you know one, please get in touch with me via my blog. Thank you.

  8. this sounds like fun, i might have to sign up! however, i have to say that it’s a shame that children are not allowed to participate. i was reading through and was thinking how much fun it would be to make postcards with my daughter (she’s 7), and how excited she would be to receive postcards in the mail in return, she absolutely loves getting mail.

    anyway, just wanted to say that i’m disappointed about children are not allowed. it still won’t deter me from signing up, as soon as i decide if i can spare the time and couple of dollars that is. :)

    • I think some participants was disappointed to get children’s drawings instead of “artsy cards” in previous year. I doubt it matters to most of us, but to some it did, sorry if you’re disappointed.

      I think there are plenty of swaps for kids that you could find, and it would me more “fair” to them too if they are swapping with their own age and on equal terms. But that’s my opinion. ;-) And just maybe, it could also be really exciting to see what your mom or dad gets in the mail if you’re a kid?

  9. I paid the Paypal $6, but have not been directed to a sign in page!
    I have done a swap before, but am worried you will not have my address still?

    • Helly, the sign-up-page is in the end of this post too. But don’t worry you’re all signed up because your paypal told me your address! :-)

      Thanks for signing up!

  10. Hi Hanna,
    I have just signed up for your DIY postcard swap – can’t wait to get going – and as I only have until 30 March to finish my postcards – I had better get cracking! I have mentioned you on my blog with a link, but would love to copy your button over – having a little trouble doing this – any instructions? Thanks Hanna

    • VonnieMay, to save this or any image on the internet you right click on the image and choose “save as…” and save it to your own computer. I usually save it temporary to my desktop. Then you can upload it to your own blog and link it to the sign up post when it’s in place there.

      Thanks for asking!

      Let me know if you need any additional help! :-)

      • Hi Hanna, Thanks for this, but I tried that and it only gives me the link to the page. I actually need the code that sits behind the button image. That’s just how it seems to work when you use blogger and how I have done it with the other buttons on my site. Don’t worry if you are unable to send it, I will try some other way.

        On another note, I notice you are from Sweden? My husband is over there at the moment having a ball! I love Sweden and have been there a number of times, you are lucky to live in such a beautiful country. Enjoy the snow! Cheers

  11. Hi Hanna,
    I made my PayPal fee but did not get redirected to the sign up. Help!

    • The link “continue to merchant” (or something like that) at the bottom takes you to the sign up page.

  12. Such a wonderful idea! Not sure I have time to participate this year but will spread/tweet the word! I’ll make a blog post about it in a couple of days.

    • Charlotta, thanks for both the tweet and the post you wrote about the swap. I really really appreciate that! Hope you can join too.

  13. Aww I wish the deadline was further away. I will be on vacation until March 31st – maybe next time!

  14. I signed up for the first time! I have already started making my cards and I can’t wait to get my list of names. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else is doing and to receiving cards in the mail as well. Cheers to seeing great art and making new friends!

  15. I have a friend who really wants to join the postcard swap but I suppose it is too late. If you have any other “late comers” please let me know. Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  16. So sad I didn’t find you earlier! Fantastic idea. Would love to partner with you and promote, participate next time on our site were we love postcards (and any creative letter writing experience).

  17. Should have done it much sooner, but I have just uploaded to the Flickr group photos of the beautiful postcards I received. Thanks to all of you, and I had a lot of fun doing this!

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