Christmas Feeling Art Journaling

Christmas is near...
Christmas Art Journal Collage

I didn’t feel like making another December Journal this year, so I didn’t plan for one. But this week, with just a few days left before Christmas Eve (we celebrate on December 24th here in Sweden) I have felt those December Feelings once again. I’m such a late bloomer, in many ways, but that’s okay too. So instead of making a whole journal I’ve made December pages in my regular journals. Right now I have two going at the same time, which is quite unusual for me. It’s the big altered book and a handbound journal that I made myself (filled with watercolour paper).

Christmas Art Journaling 2012
I painted a tree, a rain deer and did some collages too!

Christmas Folder
I sort most of my paper stash (a collage artist has lots of papers in her stash of course) in folders, and in a particularly red one I’ve got the Christmas goodies! Easy to find when (once a year) you might need them!

Here are a few of the Christmas Feeling pages, hoping to inspire your holiday too!

Glitter season!
Get some glitter, it’s the season for this stuff after all! I used it on the Christmas tree page, along with some stickers and stuff:

Christmas Art Journaling 2012
The tree is ready for a holiday!

Christmas Art Journaling 2012
And then it started to snow (using those darn white pens again):

Christmas Art Journaling 2012

Then I did a collage, using my favorite Christmas ephemera saved from Christmas past:

Christmas Art Journaling 2012
I’m using a lot of pretty imagery on this page, huh?

Christmas Art Journaling 2012
The guy to the left is a Swedish short story cartoon called Karl Bertil Jonsson’s Christmas (translated to Christopher’s Christmas Mission). Watch it, because it has some good moral in it – and I will watch it too in a few hours. It’s showed on Swedish television every year!

Christmas Art Journaling 2012

More detail from this year’s Christmas pages:

Hello Christmas!
Christmas Art Journaling 2012
Christmas Art Journaling 2012
Astrid Lindgren postal stamps

Did snow, winter, Christmas colours or the holiday spirit find it’s way to you too? I really really hope so, and that you creativity was energized by it! Let me know what you are creating in the comments!

Wishing you all a very happy holiday where ever you are in the world!


6 Responses

  1. Love the picture of the glitter and the tree looks so good! Does the majority of Sweden celebrate Christmas on the 24th? I didn’t know that. Do you start in the morning or in the evening?

    • Thanks Mary!
      I think most Swedes celebrate on the 24th, today, and all day long in different way. This year my family will gather for Christmas lunch around one o’clock and as usual open presents in the evening – it’s all about letting the kids wait the full day… hehe. I remember as a kid how the day snailed on… and on and on…

      Merry Christmas!

  2. I drew a Christmas star, as well as wrote the words to silent night. Then I drew the town of Bethlehem at the bottom of the page.

  3. God jul Hanna! Hoppas du har en helt underbar jul och får ett fantastiskt nytt år (det är klart du får!)

    I am totally in love with your Christmas tree and reindeer spread…it is so cute! And I love your collaged spread too. I’m all bout the paint, and don’t usually do collaged journal pages, but whenever I see yours I think I must give them a try!

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