Right now I enjoy

I experience the passage of time and the particulars of my surroundings with my physical being–with my body and mind – and the act of making things that reflect my thoughts and feelings is a way of bouncing something back. I am here. I am not just absorbing. I am contributing. This is a dialogue.
Carolee Gilligan Wheeler*

Uppercase dinner
Right now I enjoy my dinner and a magazine. I also enjoy taking photos of my food, and looking through my many recent files of images while the night closes in on us.

The beautiful magazine is called Uppercase and I won this issue from a giveaway by Annie. It’s a beautiful magazine with layout, ideas and articles to swoon over! So happy I won it.

Other things I am enjoying right now:

Doodled envelope
Doodling on everything. Doodling on an envelope I sent away, containing collage papers bought from my shop. Doodling on a brown envelope is recommended. Adding details with a white pen is optional but surprisingly satisfying.

Washi with stripes
A new roll of washi tape, always a joy. With stripes!

Full moonshine
The moon shining into my apartment. It was so light when I woke up that I had to get up to see what it was. It was beauty. Shining on me.

Plus, it really is a lot of fun to be able to set up a giveaway! It’s exciting to read all your answers and meet some lurkers, especially those that does not have a blog. It’s interesting to get an idea of who all you anonymous people who visit my blog are. Thank you everyone who has commented so far, and welcome to join my giveaway if you haven’t already.

5 Responses

  1. I also love a good doodling session on brown paper (esp with colored pencils!) and of course, washi tape! It is so hard not to buy every single pattern I see! Beautiful moon pic too…I completely enjoyed your review of “Raw Art Journaling.” The title of the book sort of stopped me from buying it but now I’m burning with curiousity as it sounds very interesting!

  2. Very nice post, Hanna. Congratulations on the magazine giveaway; I have never heard of Uppercase, but it looks interesting. I also enjoyed looking around Annie’s web site. I like the variety of what you are enjoying now, especially that gorgeous moon. How wonderful to take the time to notice!

  3. So glad you have discovered Uppercase magazine! It’s produced right here in Calgary, and the editor also has a little shop downtown with some great books, stationary items and art shows. Best wishes, EG

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