Summer time Index Cards

Index card 11

The weather today has been lovely, and summer is showing up on my Index Cards too. They are filled with the lightness and smells of summer. I’ve just uploaded these (the cards from 11-18 of June) to my flickr photo album and wanted to share them in all their summer time feel. Which one do you like the best? :-)

Index card 12

Index card 13

Index card 14

Index card 15

Index card 16

Index card 17

Index card 18

I’d love to hear which of these is your favorite – and why? Personally I love them all, because they document my days.

Thanks for visiting, and leaving a comment on my Summer time Index Cards.

** Also visit Index-Card-A-Day – where it all started!

13 Responses

  1. As I rolled down to see each card, I kept saying to myself: “That’s my favourite!” Then I saw the next one: “No, THAT’S my favourite!” And so on… I can’t pick just one, sorry! :-)

  2. hi hanna, thanks for visiting our blog. i like the first one….its so inviting & relaxing, which is a good thing to do when it is hot.

  3. My favourite is the first card, I like its brights colors and how differents parts are linked (two different doilis, similar flowers on the paper and on the teapot… I’m not sure to explain clearly what I want to say).

  4. I prefer the first and the last one – the milkcan (?) and the bright colours has a ‘summer afternoon’ feeling, the last one feels like early in the (summer) morning, and the day is open to be filled with whatever comes…

    Oh my, I should return to my box with index cards and make a few… maybe tomorrow?!

  5. Picking a favorite from these beauties is not easy! I like them all but if you twist my arm I’d say the one at the top (love all the bright colors!) and the one with circles.

  6. Really, seriously, I have to pick just one? Here are my two favs… the card with the circle windows and the cat card with the ICAD label. All of your work is fresh and fun, Hanna.
    Happy Day to you!

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