Embroidered Inchies Cut to Size

Dark pink inchies

The first batch of embroidered inchies was light pink and a slow process. This second batch of pink inches is now complete. I finished these much quicker mostly because I didn’t feel like sewing more french knots. I was feeling like:
– Gaah, I want to finish this now!
So I did.

Cutting inchies

When they were all finished I took them out of the embroidery hoop and ironed on a backing so that the fabric edges wouldn’t unravel when I cut through the fabric. I used a one sided iron-on adhesive. Then I cut each inchie out on the quilt mat using the quilt ruler and cutter.

All my embroidery inches
Ta-daa! Lots of finished embroidery inchies.

Lots of them!

Finished embroidery inches
Finished embroidery inches
Finished embroidery inches
Finished embroidery inches
Finished embroidery inches
I have already swapped these for other colours and those inchis are waiting in an envelope for me to “do something” with them!

13 Responses

  1. Your pale pink inchies were so adorable I was inspired to make some of my own and put them on a scarf! I haven’t assembled it yet, but I’ll leave the inchies as a solid band (I embroidered lines between them) and sew that near the end of the scarf. I posted pictures of the WIP on my blog: http://stuffandnonsense66.blogspot.com/

  2. Hi!
    Long time since I made some inchies. Think I might do some this wekend. You inspired me. I most often make mine using wet and needle felting…but now I feel like some embroidery would be fun. I just have to finish the ATC swap and the DIY postcard swap that you got me started on first ;-)

  3. Your inchies are just wonderful! I haven’t thought of embroidering them, but now I may have to try it. I love inchies! I like all of yours, but esp the light pink notted ones. Great job on them! :)

  4. I’ve never heard of inchies before, but how cute are they?!
    I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

  5. I really like the results Hanna. The colours are gorgeous and I can’t wait to see where they end up.

  6. They turned out beautifully, Hanna! So pretty and happy! Thanks for sharing your pics!

  7. Oh and I love the magenta series too! All together – the pink and the magenta – they are sooooo delicious.

  8. I love this – I would love to make one and frame it. My kids’ room is space themed. I wonder if I could make it little Constellations – oh that would be cool on a dark navy blue/tie-dye background.

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