A Collage book of the Masters

Masters CollageIt’s been a while since I reviewed a book here on my blog so I thought I’d get back in the habit – because I really enjoy sharing my finds with you guys. The book that I’ve just finished reading is called simply Masters: Collage: Major Works by Leading Artists, and it is from from Lark Books. There are quite a few books in the Masters series by now. I’ve only read this one about collage but I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on the one about Art Quilts for example, and I bet the one about Bead weaving is cool too…

This book is like an exhibition featuring quite a few different collage artists, and of course I wanted to read it.

My interest in collage is growing and this one is a very nice addition to my library. I’m thinking it will be one of those books I can pull out many many times and randomly open to find inspiration.

The curator and author is Randel Plowman
of the awesome art blog Collage a day. He has written a little introduction about each artist in the book, where he mentions a bit about location, background and ideas, but mainly describing their art style and main characteristics which I find interesting to read.

Then there are a few pages with each of their collages, all presented with a title, the artwork’s dimensions plus some (for me as a collage artist myself) very interesting facts about what materials and techniques were used. I’m not very interested in digital collage and I think that is a separate and very different art form, but there is not too much of it in this book.

The style of the collages are quite varied and there is something for everyone, though of course not many artists from outside of big ol’ US. Personally I love meeting new acquaintances and getting to know the art of my favorite artists, the ones whose blogs, books and web presence I’ve enjoy through the years, like Lynne Perrella, Lynn Whipple, Donna Watson and Michelle Caplan. All their collages are uniquely special and deeply moving to me.

Masters of collage

I also like the more colourful and cartoon like fantasy worlds created by new-to-me Peter Lewis, just as an example. He uses Loteria cards, children’s books and magazines in his collage. His style is very different from my favorite artists (and my own I think) but he thinks in the same way, he is the originator of two of my favorite quotes from the book:

Collage by its very nature is all about cultural recycling. It provides me with a unique opportunity to wear my influences on my sleeve


The joy of juxtaposition is endless.

Amen to that brother!

Mine, as you can see in the photo above, has many marked pages using those great mini stickers that stick up to let you find our way back, because there are several pages that I am especially inspired by!

If you enjoy looking, making or learning about collage and art I recommend you to check out this book for sure!

Further Masters Collage Inspiration

* Masters: Collage – Major Works by Leading Artists – link to amazon
* An inside peek at the book – at the publishers site
* Book reviews – previous book reviews by me


8 Responses

  1. This book has been lying on my coffee table for months now. I love it! There’s just so much eye candy in it that I can only take a few bites at a time or I get overwhelmed, so I am slowly savoring it over time.

  2. Hi Hanna,

    This book is a big favorite of me ever since it arrived with the mail from the US to me. Every day during my morning coffee break I browse through it, all these great collage artists and their work, so inspiring. Good choice to review, thank you so much,
    Regina, SXM

  3. Hanna, I have this book also and enjoyed the variety of styles and techniques. It got me working in some new areas. I have a six-inch high stack of collage books on my coffee table to delve into at will!

  4. Best quote ever!

    ?The joy of juxtaposition is endless?.

    Uh oh.

    I think I feel a collage coming on!

    Another “collage-ish” quote I love is this one:

    “Arrange whatever pieces come your way.”
    ~ Virginia Wolfe

    I have it up in my studio, on my inspiration board.

    Will go out and look up this book.

    It sounds wonderful and inspiring.

    Thanks, Hanna!

  5. Thank you Hanna for the beautiful comment you left about my paintings. I felt deeply understood as you had understood the paintings. You have given me a precious affirmation.

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