Alterknit Rebellion: Radical patterns for creative knitters I bought a new knitting book for the first time in years this year. It’s not (just) because it has a… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life/Inspiration/Read a book
Watercolor Textures for Artists by Ana Victoria Calderón I got to know the art (and teaching style) of Ana Victoria Calderón when I took some of her classes online… Categories Inspiration/Mixed Media Experiments/Read a book
Share your Joy – mixed media shareable art Sarah Gardner’s book Share your Joy – mixed media shareable art is a year old by now so I’m well overdue… Categories Inspiration/Mail bliss/Read a book
Book review of Mending Matters by Rodabaugh Katarina Rodabaugh’s book “Mending matters” is a practical book with loads of project pages showing you different ways to patch and… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Read a book
Book-review | Kaffe Fassett in the Studio: Behind the Scenes with a Master Colorist If you are a fan of colorful textiles and patterns then I am sure you know about the designer Kaffe Fassett… Categories Read a book
Encyclopedia of Inspiration Encyclopedia of Inspiration is a series of books by Janine Vangool, who is also the creator of the, among artists and… Categories Read a book
Book review: Freestyle Embroidery on Wool by Karin Derland I think that Swedish artist Karin Derland makes a time-consuming and seemingly tedious craft like embroidery look like so much fun… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Read a book
Making Luna Lapin – a book by Sarah Peel Last year my mom (who loves sewing and quilting) bought the book Making Luna Lapin by Sarah Peel, and we got… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Read a book
I’d rather be reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life I define myself as a book lover, I can’t imagine life without a book by my side. I don’t just read… Categories Inspiration/Read a book
The Mandala Guidebook: How to draw, paint and color expressive mandala art The mandala craze that started a few years ago on the internet is everywhere these days. There are plenty of pretty… Categories Draw & doodle/Inspiration/Read a book
Big Magic – Creative Living Beyond Fear I’ve finally read the book I longed so much for last year. I read about it long before it was published,… Categories iHanna philosophy/Read a book
Good Mail Day – A primer for Making Eye Popping Postal Art Book review time again! Let’s dive into a book called Good Mail Day, written by Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler…. Categories Mail bliss/Read a book