Fun Spraydate with lots of Spraypaint and Stencils

Spraydate 2009 (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
This summer my friend Nina and I had this great spraydate together outside her house. It was so much fun that that we stayed for hours and only finished when the sun set and we couldn’t see our papers to spray any more. All the spray paint cans are Nina’s. She has a stash to admire, don’t you agree?! I felt very lucky to be invited to play.

Stencil that makes dots (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Nina also had a whole beautiful pile of fun stencils to play with. She cuts her own, but one of my favorites where these simple dots. These dots are a recycled game board put to good use! Spraying dots over patterned papers makes it personal and so much more fun to use later in my work!

Nina in gloves (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Here Nina is spraying dimonde shapes on a piece of wallpaper she got from me! This is another favorite big pattern! Look how pretty it turned out combined with the leaf print;

Spraypaint on wallpaper (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

iHanna's dotted cover (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
My altered book was covered in spray paint and I love love love it!

This is Nina in action (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Nina in spray painting like a real professional!

Nina's Moleskine journal (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Nina brought her ongoing Moleskine sketchbook to the table and gave it a little revamp with some blue acrylic paint & a spray of yellow through a flowery stencil of hers. The colors reminds me of the Swedish flag actually. It turned out awesome, don’t you agree?

Inside my altered book (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Inside my altered book! I’m so glad I had brought my Art Journal out and with me so I could do a few spreads with the great stencils already cut! Some of the spray paint smells like bubbly chewing gum and every time I open the book I remember this day. This was not the last time I did this. Next summer I will buy a few colors of my own, and start spraying! The more I think about spray paint the more possibilities I see. I especially like spraying patterns on printed scrapbook papers, messing them up (or as I prefer to call it “personalizing them”…).

Spray painting is not as easy as one would think… The cans drip, clog and behave in unappropriated ways when you just want to keep painting! And when you least expect it you make a mess. Lucky for me I don’t mind a bit of mess on my papers, they are not fine art – just experiments. And when you think about it you know most creations is about experimenting. Does take the pressure of when painting, doesn’t it? :-)

Oh by the way, Nina has a great blog
at – visit it now, because drawing is good for ya! Don’t forget to take a look at her gallery with filled and yummy Sketchbooks there. Nina does beautiful and inspiring drawings!

19 Responses

  1. what fun! Something I want to do this year. Do you have trouble getting your pens to write on top of the paint?

  2. Wow, your friend Nina has some drawing and watercolour skills! And those spray pictures are really inspiring, i sure will try that this summer! Tonight I am inviting a few friends over and we’re doing a sketching night (drawing until we fall asleep), but you spray day is another good idea, i love it!

  3. Aw, I love your new notebook design. You have the greatest ideas and I’m so glad that you share them with all of us.

    Have a nice week, Hanna.

  4. Marcia, some pens will work on spray paint, others not a chance. I’m not sure which one is the best yet.

    Gabrielle, yes Nina is good. You’ve got some very cool stuff in your own drawing books as I see in your gallery! :-)

    Jodi, glad you liked the desktop design too!

    Have a nice week girls!

  5. Wow, sure brings back some great memories! We did have a lot of fun, didn?t we? :)
    Jag h?ller p? med mammas 70-?rspresent f?r tillf?llet, och anv?nder n?gra av papprena fr?n den h?r dagen. Det ?r hur kul som helst att ta fram dem och f? nya id?er f?r vad man ska ha dem till!

  6. Nina, yes girl we sure did have fun!
    Vi m?ste v?l ses snart igen och ha en “kreativ dejt” tycker jag!? Jag gillar de h?r fotona s? mycket, de ?r s? f?rgglada och somriga, s? jag var bara tvungen att blogga dem fast jag var blog-ledig n?r vi sprejade och det ju g?tt ett tag sen dess… :-) Fota presenten, jag vill g?rna se den om jag f?r! Kram!

  7. umm…AWESOME! All my spray paints are sitting inside forlornly, waiting for the weather to become warm again. I’m so jealous of the amazing spread she has! I have a tiny, tiny balcony and a tray table. haha. I love your altered book!

  8. Dawn, Nina only has a balcony too, so don’t be jealous. We set up outside in a green area with a pick-nick table and carried out boxes and papers there together! ;-) If you need space, you will have to find it, right? Sweden is covered in white – I’m longing for summer too!

  9. How fun & what a great look. i love how the journal covers turned out. All the color and texture and depth is so lovely.

  10. Regina, thanks for the visit to my blog! I haven’t been to your blog for a while, you’ve created so much nice stuff! Love your paintings!! :-)

  11. Well well Mrs Prichard, thanks for the compliments! Did you try spray paint yet? Such a messy joy, you would love it!

  12. Somehow I missed this post before, only saw the post with the resulting postcards – how weird! Oh well, so glad I’m seeing it now. This is AMAZING. As soon as the weather gets warm I think a little art money is going toward spray paint and a drop cloth so my landlords don’t get too upset (they live downstairs!).

    All those stencils and colors and patterns… this post is so beautiful to look at! Sorry, I’m gibbering a bit, I’m just lovestruck by the idea of spraypaint now. :)

  13. the spray paint looks so fun :)
    i love all the layers you can create!
    thanks for commenting on my blog too!

  14. hi im trying to figure out where you found or can get a role of dots i see in the 3 photo theres a roll of dots looks metal where can i get some of that im an aerosol artist and im in need of that

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