What an intensely creative person you are Hanna

080904 I’m fine, just having a intense cold with coughing and dripping nose while still trying to do what I have to do. So when I’ve been at home I’ve mostly been watching TV (unusual for me) or sleeping! “Wasting” all this time makes me intense aware of how precious time is. It’ already September and I need to go outside and do my Autumn walk with camera in hand!

Cathy’s comment on my post I’m layered as an onion makes me blush a bit:

    What an intensely creative person you are Hanna. I will never know how you find the time to do so much but I love reading about it and looking at your lovely pictures.

It also made me think. The post I had in my mind to write now is about how I’ve slowed down as a creative person the past few (summer) months. I feel like I don’t need to start anything. It’s not that I don’t want to (no loss of appetite) and it’s not that I don’t have the time to (even though I have less craft time these days). It’s just that I don’t need to. I can feel the difference within me. I think I’m more in the now.

080905 I guess I’m not less creative really, but my pace has slowed down. I notice now how I’ve been rushing everything the past couple of years! I still have too many ideas to ever follow up on, but my mindset have changed. I don’t know if it has been noticeable on the blog, it’s more of an inner shift. I think it comes from several different things in my life. Maturing. Getting older. Having less space of my own. Meditating. Spiritual search. Sorrows lived though and dealt with. Life in general that is.
I’m mostly slowing down with craft and starting new projects! Instead other means of expression is taking place and even other interests.

I feel my need to write and express myself is growing. I’m looking forward to NanoWriMo this year (my second year) and I’m constantly writing little notes down. I’m going to work harder on getting a set time each day to sit down and write. Write down to my bones as I sit like this in a arm chair with my feet up. Fleshing out some of all the articles and thoughts I have in my head. Act more as the journalist I am was on my list for this years goals, but so far I’ve not achieved anything! I’m getting rusty by resting on my laurels!

080908 I’ve started working on a digital photo album that I’m in love with. It will be a personal piece just for me and my family, filled with this years photos. I absolutely love working with layout and I think maybe I should’ve been a book designer instead of a webdesigner back in the days? I have lots to learn and probably should get a few books on the subject (any suggestions?) but in the meantime I’m enjoying myself with fonts, dotted lines, rounded corners and my photos that fill the page (I tend to do to much, who could’ve guessed?). I love simple. I admire bloggers who have on beautiful photo in each post. I always add in 3-10, not because all of them are the best but because I can not chose just one! :-)

So how intense is intense? How intensely creative am I really?

I’m making a 10×10 daily art card each day this year, though I cheat a lot and some days have to catch up and do several. I’ve knitted some on a pair of socks when watching TV the past days but that is it right now. And I’m fine with that thoug I will post some projects I have done soon – photos that will contradict this post totally. Yeah well, you know what I mean?

13 Responses

  1. You’re definitely very creative, and I love reading about it. I also think I’ve noticed your passion for writing in the last few months, where your posts have become longer and more pensive, and I find your writing very interesting and real.

  2. Hagit!
    did you notice that, how cool! I’m glad and I hope I will keep it up and that people like you will keep writing. I often feel that I want to express many things that I don’t have the words for in English – but I’m not letting it stop me. I’m still practicing!

  3. I don’t think you are wasting time while you have this icky cold ! I think you are resting and having some introspective moments that maybe you needed ? Sometimes our bodies know us better than we know ourselves ! Maybe it was time for some slowing down ?
    Just thoughts I got while reading your thoughtful post. I love reading your musings,Hanna !
    Hope you feel well soon !

  4. I love coming to visit your blog so much! Your creativity inspires me to keep working on SOMETHING…I just want to do something creative every day, even if it’s just 10 minutes of something-thanks for all of the inspiration you give!

  5. Hej. Jag ?r supernyfiken p? hur det ser ut hemma hos dig. Har du m?jligen n?got album p? styleroom.se eller kommer det n?got s?dan inl?gg snart? Kram.

  6. Hej Hanna!
    Tack f?r kommentaren om mitt l?v. Det var ju en s?dan d?r ?vning som alla startar med, men det blev ?nd? bra tycker jag.
    Visst ?r du kreativ, och ?r du lite mindre kreativ rent “praktiskt” ibland s? tror jag att du st?ndigt ?r kreativ i tanken inte sant???
    Jag har ocks? en dunderf?rkylning just nu. All min energi efter sommaren f?rsvann i ett nafs, men kanske ?r det s? som f?reg?ende kommentator sa, attkroppen vet n?r vi beh?ver vila.
    K?ner s? v?l igen ming i dig, n?rjag var yngre kunde jag inte se ett TV program utan att sticka. Nu kan mycket v?l ligga i soffan och sl?titta p? TV och k?nna att jag inte beh?ver/m?ste skapa hela tiden. Men ?r man en kreativ person s? ?r man, man har n?got inom sig som bara m?ste ut inte sant?!

  7. I like that you put a lot of photos on your blog. I’m one of those who put only one or two and most times, I have to force myself to find a photo.

    I’ve noticed that you’ve done “less” this summer than in months prior to that and it’s ok. I’ve been so busy with ATC swaps and Chunky book swaps that sometimes it feels like I’m doing too much.

    I think I’ll take my cue from you and will go out for a fall walk sometime soon to take beautiful photos.


  8. I love your blog! I always love to come
    I really like how you have your
    blog set-up. Wonder how you manage to
    find your older posts to add to your
    newer entries?

    I was reading in a childs herb book about putting garlic in a piece of cloth and pin it to the inside of your shirt to keep from getting sick.
    Don’t know how people would feel about being around someone that smells like garlic. There are always those garlic capsules though. It mentioned to eat garlic everyday. Put it in your food.

    Grace and Peace Be Multiplied to You!!!

    GOD Bless You and Yours!!! Feel Better!!!

  9. Sometimes even the most productive creatives need to take a little time out to care for themselves. Stay well!

  10. You are certainly an immensely creative person and that does not only mean the crafting part, but also your writing and ways you choose to find yourself. Creativity has many layers and you are certainly snug and warm in your coat of inspiring ideas.

    Here is a book suggestion for making handmade books:

    Angela James, The handmade book
    80 pages filled with bookbinding projects and loads of step by step photographs. Great!

  11. Thanks for all sweet encouragment!

    In the top right corner of my blog there is a little white space with a search button next to it, can you see it? It’s magic and I don’t know how I would do without it! I enter words like “goals” to find that post where I wrote about goals last! It comes with wordpress (my blog) and I love it. Anyone can use it too and search for stuff. You can also visit The Archive and browse through a category there if you want to look backwards on iHanna’s life! ;-)

    Bless you too my dear!

    Sophie: It’s way cool that you’ve noticed that, and I know it’s okay because it’s the way it is. :-)

    Nej jag har inget album om mitt hem, men jag ska t?nka p? saken! Nyfikenhet b?r uppmuntras! :-)

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