
Sewn Needle holder Pear on vintage red book by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

I made a (one) pear.

Needle pin cushion by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

He was happy to join the family meeting.

Pumpkin, pear, apples by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

My pear can be used to stick needles in, or just as plain decoration.

Windfalls in the garden photo by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson
A pear among apples.

I’m in love with my pear.

I also love the word windfalls that I just learned today. I looked up fallfrukt which means “fruit that fell from the tree”. Not as pretty in Swedish as it is in English. Windfalls!

12 Responses

  1. How cute that is! Excellent choice of fabrics. You may have also read that “windfall” also can mean “an unexpected gift,” as in seeing this post today. :-)

  2. Diane: No! Is it true? I just looked up the translation for the Swedish word. I had no idea. I was thinking it would be a great name for a blog, and now it’s even greater! thanks!

  3. Hi Hanna!
    I think your pear is perfect! I?d like to see a whole bowl filled with these – in different colors of green, yellow and other autumnal shades.
    Have a nice weekend!:)

  4. No wonder you are in love with that pear! Looks delicious ;) And fits so perfect with the real fruits! Enjoy looking at it and of course using it.

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