Etsy here I come

Yes, it is true. I’m the proud owner of a very small and shy Etsy Shop with items I’ve made. I’ve had it for a couple of days and then I’m visiting it, checking it out – not telling anybody about it!

etsy, me?

Etsy here I come – blump! boom! Krash!?

It’s here, you my people should just check it out! What am I so afraid off? That two pink bears I did last summer won’t sell because there are so many people doing amigurumi that are better than me? Or that nobody will care? Really, Hanna, get a grip! Just post the darn news and move on with your “life”.

I have so many things I’ve made that I could put up in the shop, but I’m going to wait for a while and let you all help. I decided to try Etsy to sell my collages, but now I don’t know… maybe I can’t. Maybe I can’t sell them or maybe I can’t make them for selling? Hmm…

What do you want to buy from me, if anything?

Right now there are handmade envelopes and a few paper kits for collage people!

Handmade Envelopes:

Handmade Envelopes by iHanna
I love my envelopes, 5 in each package. They are just so sturdy and fun.

Vintage text pages for collage

vintage papers
And vintage paper is the perfect thing for anyone who likes to make collages, right? Tear them, paint them, fold them… In each package there are several text pages in different languages!

So, go visit and make me happy! Do you have an etsy store? Tell me about it and I’ll visit it of course.

Now I’ve got to go, I really need to read this!

9 Responses

  1. oh hanna…congrats for having the courage to open the shop and tell people you are in business…i have an empty shop just waiting for me to find the courage to offer my art to the world…i applaud you…blessings, rebecca

  2. This is something I have been contemplating for a while…trying to figure out which way to go. I have a picture site and a blog so now it’s on to the next step!! Thanks for the information and encouragement. As always, your blog is a morning “must read” for me. Take care…

  3. Hi Hanna!

    I just bought the vintage papers for my collage work. I hope you continue to sell ephemera with text other than English especially if you can find any Russian items because my husband is Russian and I want to make collages involving his family. Thanks so much for letting us have the chance to see and buy your wonderful work and flea market finds!

  4. Ooooh I love your blog! I’m glad you stopped by mine, because now I was able to stumble upon yours and your shop and purchase your vintage pages! I am such a sucker for old text and the like, I love using it in my artwork and journal collages. Hooray!

  5. congratulations !!! yippee!! :) i will be making my etsy rounds this week now that i am home from vacation :)

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