A sheet of foam rubber becomes a stamp

I got this idea from a crafty acquaintance, and I think it is very smart. I’ve made stamps before, but this is the easiest way. Not for small details, but for patterns I think it works great.

This is how the stamp look:

I took a pink sheet of foam rubber (you can buy it in a craft store) and cut out some shapes. Swirls, dots and stripes. I then glued them to a wood block, a cube that I had after making collage cubes earlier this year. Using a cube I could make six different stamps in one – one at each side of the block.

I’ve used it in my art journal with acrylic paints, and it works very well. I wanted to share it with you girls, incase somebody wants to try something like this.

Just looking at this picture makes me want to add things to my art journal, but tonight is knitting night, so that’ll have to wait a couple of days.

14 Responses

  1. That is a great idea! I usually wrap up presents in plain white paper and then decorate them myself. A block of Christmas themed shapes would make decorating those presents this year much faster!
    I will definitely be doing this.
    Thank you for sharing the idea!

  2. A stamp? I was thinking it was a piece of wedding cake when I first saw it. very cool. I really like the pink typewriter… do you really have a pink one?

  3. dette er en smart ide! Vi laget noe lignende da jeg gikk p? skolen, limte samme materiale p? plexiglass -da kan du se n?yaktig hvor du stempler :)

  4. What a great idea… I hadn’t much use for foam rubber until now, and now I think I will be obliged to try it out. I’m very excited at the thought of making my own stamps cheaply. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I have absolutely no idea how I’m seeing this post today for the first time! I had two large sheets of this foam, and I gave them away on the 19th, in a crafting forum meet! This is such a cool idea! I can’t believe I’m going to have to buy me new foam, when I had so much of it! LOL!

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