Tree Climber Girl

I know, you’ve seen her before. But at Studio Friday today it’s Art Studio Sidekicks, or four legged friends. And this is my sidekick, I guess (haven’t heard the word before):

Isn’t she magnificent?

This is the road behind our house, where I usually take her walking:

Cat walk road

The road is very beautiful, but right now some trees have been attacked by spinning worms, that totally covers the trees in thin white thread:

White worm tree
Looks like a forest from Nightmare before Christmas…

White worm tree

Cat in a tree
Smilla likes to climb trees, but always stops before the leash comes to an end and then backs down until she can jump. She is a smart cat you as you might understand. And cool. And Awesome.

And a great studio companion, when she’s not climbing trees that is.

18 Responses

  1. Smilla is such a sweet kitty! She looks like she’s enjoying herself! The trees do look like something from Nightmare before Christmas! They are eerie!!
    ~ Gabi

  2. That’s wonderful how you can go for walks together. Face shows a lot of character :)

  3. Hanna,

    I would love to get either of my cats to walk on a leash. Amazing how hard it can be to drag a 10 pound cat down the block!

  4. Okay…SO much going on with this post! First, YES your Smilla is magnificent! Her eyes are so expressive. I adore that you walk her on a leash and she climbs the trees to JUST before she pulls on the leash. Very clever. We tried training Atticus on a leash but we only succeeded in “dragging” him as opposed to “leading” him. :-) And then I love the pictures of those silk spinning worms on the tree branches. Very surreal.

  5. What an incredible post!! I’ll need to look at this one again ! Lovely pictures – love “tree climber girl” title! Thanks for the great post!

  6. Smilla is beautiful and a fine companion! And how wonderful to be able to walk in such a beautiful spot with her.

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