Möbius Finished

A thing I’ve finished. Something knitted for once.

Me in green

I finished this möbius scarf around Easter, and I was very excited to cast off the stitches to see what I had made.

On the needles it was really difficult to see how big it became and if it was knitted correctly… But it was, and I’m so pleased with buying this yarn and knitting this thing.

Thank you Inger for telling me how fun this knit was.

Finished scarf
And hood up! Green is one of my favourit colours.

To get patterns and learn about the yarn I used – check my post from February about the casting on.

15 Responses

  1. It turned out so well, Hanna. Congratulations! and you know, this is the month of GREEN for Project Spectrum, so this is a great post! :)

    Best wishes,

  2. Ohh! Nice to see how it turned out. I couldn’t imagine that it was liked that it should be when I you where knitting on it!

    Really great!

  3. Love the colours. It’s great on you! I haven’t said hello in a while, but I’m still reading your blog :) Have a nice day. Come visit my blog!

  4. Supersnygg! Och den ?r ju GR????N!

    Kanske jag ska ta och k?pa en s?nd?r h?rva och sticka en till… Jag var inte n?jd med den jag gjorde f?rst, trots att den ocks? var gr?n. Konstigt, ?r inte alla gr?na saker snygga?


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