Printable vintage Scrap Die Cut Illustrations

Voff voff, wanna play?I’ve got so many ideas, for every part in life it seams. My home, my art, my future… I want to redo my homepage too, to make it more professional, because I want to have more freelance commissions (as a writer/journalist in Sweden) in the future. But since I know that redesigning for me takes for ever I’m saving it for later, and saving it and saving it… Talk about procrastination! And still thinking and planing and letting it irritate me somehow, stuck in my mind and not letting go…

I found that I really like the simple yet easy to navigate site of Bonkers, I might try something like that with my main site. Some day…

My blog has got a new header picture again (did you notice?), that now also shows up in Internet Explorer browser, not only Firefox (shame on me for
not checking this during the summer!). But still… if you are surfing with IE I think you should change to firefox, because it’s much more fun.

A couple of weeks I added an about me-page (click on about to read it) – what do you think? Maybe the info there should be in shorter format. I might change that later.

And now I’ve also added the promised download page! Hip hurray, hope you guys like it! Tell me what you think, and enjoy! Do the links work? Was it easy to download them and print? They are big so don’t forget to downsize before printing. A very easy way to do that is just to drag-and-drop them on a white page in Microsoft’s program Word and print from there. Not all images on the scans are whole, but that’s just how it is, sorry.

Scrap die cut Roses
Yellow roses and loving doves

Please let me know what you think by adding a comment below, thanks!

One of my favorite sites is Meggie cat, where you in every post find great links to pictures on the web. Big pictures that you can download and print, pictures that you can use in your art journal, collage or just frame it… Free is best!

Here are some scans that I’ve put together for you to download. Please save them to your computer and print them in the size you want them on a colour printer. Glue, cut, colour, collage, draw, decoupage!

If you use these, I’d love to know about it! Thanks and have fun!

Red, white and pink roses Scrap die cut

Rose Bouquet  for all Scrap Die Cut Images

White doves scrap die cut flower borders free download vintage illustration

Brown dogs scrap die cut + white horse

Cats & dogs

Big butterfly many butterflies scrap die cut free download printable image

And some pretty scrap die cut angels:

Angels on a cloud vintage illustration

Cherubs in the sky

Angel sisters scrap die cut

Please leave me a comment and I might do more of these posts!

53 Responses

  1. The pink typewriter rocks. Parker, my dog, got a haircut yesterday so he did look like this shaggy friend, but now is shaved and very happy and wiggly. Sending your package today. It is in a shrinky dink box. :)

  2. Oh!!!!Hanna I love the download page. Did you write and I missed it?
    Thank you so very much ….Please forgive me for not seeing the page until now.
    I feel so happy because I love those beautiful scraps. You’ve given me a Merry Christmas and I hope you have one too!

    Thanks again,
    Kathy aka meggiecat

  3. I would like to thank you so much for sharing these..
    They are lovely pics and will love to use them in my work..
    It was very kind of you to let us print these…

  4. Hello, just found your blog and it is so inspiring. Thank you for these lovely scans of “glansbilder”. I love using them.

  5. These are lovely! I haven’t saved or downloaded them b/c I don’t have a color printer, but it’s a pleasure just to look at them! Thanks for posting.

  6. I just found your blog (through meggiecat’s) a few minutes ago. I saved it to favorites to check in with every day. Yeah, I’m a big blogaholic. Thank you for the beautiful vintage pictures. :) Now I’m going back to read the rest of your blog.

  7. Thank you, Hannah, for your generous offering of images! I will use some on my Valentines, I think. (I just found you via Meggiecat.)

  8. wonderful images! thanks so much for putting them up! i can’t wait to use these on my atc’s.

  9. Thanks for hosting these lovely images on your website! Perfect for Valentine’s Day!!

  10. This is my first visit to your site and I am excited to explore! I am sure I will be spending a lot of time here! I have been doing art journaling for several years now and am always excited to find vintage pictures that I can paste in my book!! I loved the downloads. Thank you for sharing!!


  11. Thank you so much I have looked all day for vintage printables…thanks to meggiecat for the link here…you are quite talented and I appreciate the gift…

  12. Thank you so much for the beautiful downloads. I will use them in Valentine cards.

  13. Thanks!!! I’ve used stickers like these before for scrapbooking, cards and gifts. I can’t wait to use these, they’re great!

  14. Thank you for your generosity! I found you through Meggiecat. I love the images!
    Take it easy

  15. These images are wonderful! I adore vintage pics – I downloaded the entire set! – They’ll be great in projects or for inspiration :) Thanks for sharing!

    (p.s. I also found them through meggiecat)

  16. Tusen takk for at du deler!
    Jeg vet jeg kommer til ? bruke disse. Og jeg tror jeg vil dele med mine elever.
    Jeg har ikke min side oppe ? g? enn?, men jobber med saken.

  17. Thank you so much for allowing us to have access to these!!! I’ve been searching for butterflies for some time and these are ‘exactly’ what I was searching for, am thrilled to bits. Thanks so very much …
    Hugs Sandie in Aussie

  18. Just stumbled upon your AWESOME vintage pics … thank-you, thank-you for offering them! They are exactly what I have been looking for for soooo long to do some vintage/heritage scrapbooking layouts! :)

  19. mille merci c’est si joli .Ton blog est si mignon. Merci

      [translated with Babel Fish;
      thousand thank you, it is so pretty, Your blog is nice. Thank you]
  20. Thank you so much for the use of your images. They are beautiful. Love your site. I have been collecting images and little findings for years. After looking at your pretty things, I surely feel inspired. I hope I can take a leap and just try to make something….I am new to collage, mixed media and blogs. But I truely love it all.
    Thanks again

  21. Used these images for tags for the kids in my church. Added snow glitter and they were perfect. I am thankful for giving people who enrich others with thier talent.

  22. Thanks for the beautiful vintage pics. They were just what I was looking for to do some vintage bookplates.

  23. Thanks so very much! I luv victorian things and luv to do decoupage. These images are so difficult to find in an affordable lot. I can’t thank you enough and when I use them I will for sure let you know!

  24. I just found your blog yesterday through another website , I think it was { Rag and Bone } not for sure about that. Anyway I just wanted to say I love your ideas about covering notebooks. I had actually been wanting to do that do one of my sketch books but only painted it copper and added glitter,while it is pretty it’s not exactly what I was after. I truly was afraid I would mess it up. But I have definitely been inspired here. I Know I can do it now! I also love your free printables, I saved A few for later use, my ink is running low! Thanks so much for sharing!

  25. So glad people still find there way to this post with so many goodies, and that my wee blog keeps inspiring people to be creative, even with older posts that I did write a while back! New content all the time, welcome back!

  26. Thank you for the images to create will be nice to have them at the ready for those spontaneous times of creating! You are lovely for sharing..xoxo

  27. Thank you for the images to create will be nice to have them at the ready for those spontaneous times of creating! You are lovely for sharing..xoxo

  28. Thanks so much for sharing all these great images.
    Have a great day. Come visit my blog sometime.
    I will be back to see you again.
    Kim :)

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