A big step forward in Regia socks

I’ve finished my forth pair of socks (if I count the very long ones)!

Regia socks

I think I casted these on around Christmas, but then I halted the project and went on to other stuff, mostly collage and art. I guess the problem with my growing creativity is that I get less time for all the different things the more things I get into… Hmm… I’m not complaining though. And knitting is great fun, still.

Two knitted socks

Material: Regia yarn, 2 skeins self striping yarn in colour 5217 (75 % wool, 25 % nylon. Knitting needle 2?-3).


Size: lady, but a little bit to big for my feet, the might be saved to be a gift later in the autumn I think.

Pattern: from Regia booklet I got for free when I bought the yarn.

Close up

I enjoyed working in this yarn, but the stripes are only three rows wide, and I think they could be the double. I mean, I think the stripes are a little bit to tiny, specially since the purple between colour is not my favorite. I didn’t know it would be so much purple. I bought the yarn for the other colours which is my favorites: yellow, red, orange and pink!
Still, I’m amazed that they are so neat! No big holes where the heal is started, so even and nicely made. Really a big step forward in sock making. The first one I made where not as beautiful at all! Progress, I like!

9 Responses

  1. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Although I don’t knit, I LOVE the color of these socks. Great inspiration for a color journal spread. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Angela in NV

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