Knitted Neon Socks I am in love with neon colors, so when I spotted some neon yarn I bought it. This sock yarn has all of the neon colors: pink, orange, cerise, yellow… Categories Crafts
Sometimes I knit too Seriously! Sometimes I knit something even though last year was a knitting dry spell. This year starting good with me just knitting a few rows on the toe of second… Categories Crafts
I think Halloween socks! Booo-hoo! Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We don’t celebrate Halloween here in Sweden. Though, as everything around… Categories Crafts/Photography
Sock monkey history This summer I made my first sock monkey from a pack of children’s socks I bought at a market. I used one pink and one yellow for this one. I… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Owls, socks and blood I’m the happy owner of a pair of owl patterned panties! I didn’t buy them for myself when I first spotted them in the store, and when I went back… Categories Pretty things
Comfy socks made with left over yarn Inspiration struck, and I knitted a pair of socks in thick neat wool yarn (raggi) that I had left. I have used it for a winter cap and a very… Categories Crafts
A big step forward in Regia socks I’ve finished my forth pair of socks now. I’m proud. Categories Crafts
Kinky striped socks finished The Very Long Socks are finished! It’s a relief, and I’m so looking forward on starting something new. But it’s been fun, even though the knit-a-long maybe made me feel… Categories Crafts
Raspberry Socks This pair of socks is releated to my gingerbread sock, finished in december last year. The yarn is the same, Opal, and I call them my Raspberry socks (hallonsockar!). The… Categories Crafts
Gone with the wind A post about my candidate paper (C-uppsats), knitting and ladders on a sock. This is how my sock look right now: The very long sock is really fun to knit… Categories Crafts/Inspiration