365 Collages | Week 23 | Starting from the Same Point What would happen if you used one piece of paper, cut into roughly the same size, on seven different collages, as a starting point? I set this as a challenge… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 10 | Roses for You You have to care about your work but not about the result. You have to care about how good you are and how good you feel, but not about how… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
365 Collages | Week 9 | Lifelong Learning Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into it. Brian Tracy Marching to my own Drum, a collage… Categories Collage
Frog Collages – A Series of Collages Started I love collages and adore frogs… So why should I not combine it all into frog collages? While everyone else is still doing birds, I’m doing amphibians (!), hoping to… Categories Collage
Experimenting with Index Card Art In the beginning of June I shared that I was joining the summer challenge index-card-a-day, an Index Card Art Project open to everyone, and since then I have (almost) daily… Categories Creative habits/Mixed Media Experiments
Creating a Series of Postcards When I am creating postcards I usually start by cutting ten or more pieces of paper to size. Cereal boxes are perfect material to use as a canvas for what… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Collage: Blue Dragonflies I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work. Pearl S. Buck Hello Thursday and… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
365 Collages | Week 41 | The Invisible Series I wasn’t planning to work on a series this week, even though I’ve been thinking about this idea of using the same image over and over (again) for a while…. Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 30 – the Post It Note Edition Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame. Mahatma Gandhi Taking Notes 1 It’s week 30 of my project 365 Collages and I’m… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 27 | Glue Flow Faith and doubt are both needed – not as antagonists but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve. Lilian Smith Going Home Alone I’ve been in… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 6 | Valentine Edition I love this project! Yes, I really do ♥ the 365 somethings project! How about you? All my collages this week are Valentine inspired hearts, because, why not? Playful experimenting… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Where a Magic Sun Shines A few of my embroidered artist trading cards. The magic trees couldn’t grow without some magic sun. To be sure we’d never run out, I made three suns. Categories Textile Art