After Valentine’s Day: Keep Spreading Love

Valentines came and went, but what about After Valentine’s Day? Shouldn’t we always spread love into the world? I think so. Today, tomorrow and every day is a good day to tell your loved ones that you do love them. Write a note. Share a hug. Blow a kiss in the wind…

Drawing tags for love by iHanna of

I think Valentine’s Day is about love no matter your marital statues. You probably have a lot of love to give even if you’re single, right? You can always practice self-love and self-compassion. You can visit friends, be kind to strangers, donate money to charity, pet a cat, feed the birds in winter, give unexpected gifts to co-workers, and buy yourself flowers…

I also believe we should see Valentine’s Day just as a reminder that love is something to share and honor every day! Love shouldn’t slip away or be able to hide, it should be in front of our eyes in everyday life. Just as gift giving is not just a task for Christmas, love is not a one-day-offer. It’s all around and everywhere, if you open your heart for it. And just because I’m late with my Valentine gifts, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t send them? Or share them here on my blog now? I don’t think so.

Spreading some LOVE

Gift-giving is for ever in fashion. Handmade shows you care. I want to keep spreading my love like a blanket over everything…

love love love -  yes please!

So I sat down and made a few gift tags on watercolor paper, for friends and family. First I painted roses and added lettering in a few styles – then I cut them apart to make the individual tags. It was super fun and I love how they came out.

Watercolor roses close up

I’m posting this with the hope to inspire you to make a few gift tags this week, or next. To write a little message of love to your loved ones. To create something simple and be brave enough to give it away as a present…

Watercolor roses and love - made by iHanna

For me, even though I finished these last week, I did not find the energy and time to send them out on time. So I’m gonna give them after valentine’s day, because I don’t feel like giving up. I’ve given up before and often the lyrics in my head goes: Wow Hanna, why can’t you be more generous? Why is finding gifts and giving stuff on time so hard for you? You’re such a bad human being! You don’t deserve your friends.

Not a harmonious song of self-love as you might have guessed. So this time, giving myself grace, I’ll send them out as soon as I can – maybe even next week. Because later is better than never. Something is better than nothing. The idea of I thought of you is worth sharing, even when it’s after the celebrations. I think I’m gonna start living by that rule from now on, and not be so hard on myself.

Cut tags for Valentine's Day - made by iHanna

So My Dear reader,
I haven’t shared any of all the projects I had in mind for the month of self-love and love. In fact, half of February has already passed and I haven’t written one blog post yet, or done anything else substantial with my days. I do want to prioritize blogging and get into it again as a healthy and regular habit, but right now it’s a struggle. But today I managed to create this post, and it makes me happy to share it with you. I hope you like it.

iHanna's finished DIY Gift Tags for Valentine's Day

It’s already After Valentine’s Day and I still love you. Just so you know.

Keep spreading the love!

11 Responses

  1. Hanna, I love your tags a lot! They are just gorgeous! I’m sure the friends you’ll send them to will just be happy to receive them, no matter the date. Well, at least, I would.
    Thanking you for all the beautiful crafts and thoughts you share on your blog.

  2. Your tags turned out beautifully! Thank you for including in-process photos! I really enjoyed seeing your artwork unfold! I love all the bright, happy colors you chose! Thank you for the reminder that we need to show ourselves more grace!

  3. Your right, Hanna. Love is love, not as deemed on a certain (Valentines) day. Friends will love receiving a gift, a tag, your art and a happy greeting no matter what day it is. Always give yourself loving self-talk too.

  4. Your posts are always worth reading, Hanna, so just post whenever you feel like it! I loved the hand-decorated gift tags you made – what a sight for my sore eyes on a cloudy, wintry day. And thanks for the reminder about perpetuating love for others and for one’s self too.

  5. I don’t like your tags…..I LOVE THEM!! Thanks for sharing your process and photos.

  6. I’m still digesting all the inspiration from your last post…which is so intense and full that I have not noticed your lack of other posts! Please give yourself a ton of credit and love for sharing all of THAT with us and try not think about what you aren’t doing :) These “lovely” little tags and your words are further inspiration to all of us! I think receiving gifts or greetings “out of season” is a most delightful surprise! Love to you Hanna! XOXOXO

  7. I like your post, Hanna, and like your tags. How fun! And things made with love always make people feel loved and cared for. I also got my Valentines cards out late this year. I mailed them the day prior, so obviously they did not get there in time. But, guess what? I made some calls on Valentines Day. And, no one has complained about the lateness, either. So, go for it! Just keep spreading the love!

  8. Hey Hanna, love the tags! And I totally understand the after-valentine’s day post, even I have struggled a bit with my poat schedule and thus had to let go of some ideas. I do plan to use them in another form though, hopefully. Wishing you luck. :)

  9. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you for the delightful post. Maybe you should tell yourself that Valentines Day was the inspiration to make lovely gift tags for your friends and family throughout the year you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes we all take our friends, family and ourselves for granted. Whenever or whatever inspires us to do something special is the right time! I love your idea of a month of self-love. It’s something I, like you, have trouble. If February is the only appropriate time to tell ourselves or others we love them, then I’m really in trouble! Thanks for the inspiration and give yourself a big hug!

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