Doodeling in the Ocean

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
Peter Marshall

Patterns in the Sky or as we say Cloud Porn - photo by Hanna Andersson/iHanna

This small island is called Grinda, it has some rental cabins, a camping ground, two places to eat and one little shop/coffee place for boat tourists to stock up on frozen food and shampoo I guess. We went to a place called Backfickan, just on the water. I had a delicious hamburger, and then a coffee to go – because now it was time to explore…

Flowers in Grinda by iHanna of

Well, not explore really. Just walk around, snap photos, admire the swan family’s super cute kids , and to take a look at the beautiful fauna…

Grinda in June 2015 by iHanna of

Flowers in Grinda by iHanna of

Stockholm Archipelago Blooms by iHanna of

Flower in Grinda by iHanna of

Even more awesome clouds by iHanna of

Love wild flowers! Though of course, what one really wants on an island, is to be close to the water.

Our friend the Mås - photo by iHanna of

Pattern on a Stone by iHanna of

Because it is not a big island, and we didn’t feel like hiking much, we soon found ourselves back at the waterfront. There we found a spot in the sunshine and sat down to do some art journaling.

Doodling Spot by iHanna of

I enjoyed the silence, but also the sound of the sea gulls and the waves against the rocks, while sipping my coffee…

Best art journaling spot by iHanna of

I did a bit of doodling in my summer time spiral bound art journal. I’ll show you more soon.

After a couple of hours (while drinking lots of water and having another ice cream) the ferry picked us up and did the reverse tour back to Stockholm.

I have high hopes for more days like this one in my future. High hopes, and a big longing already. I hope you enjoyed following along to the Stockholm archipelago?

3 Responses

  1. What a beautiful country you live in. I would want to spend at least a week on that island. Are you following Mary Ann Moss and her Sweden travels?
    between the two of you I am really enjoying my “visit to Sweden”

    • Thanks Angie, every country has its own charm I think, but it’s quite easy to become a bit nationalistic here in summer – everything is beautiful, from park and gardens to nature all around. And yes, I read miss Moss’ blog, love it! Thanks for your visit to my blog!

  2. You find the most wonderful quotations! I really love that Peter Marshall quote. Beautiful photos of a beautiful summer day.

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