Video | Cut and Paste Index Card Collage

Let’s have some cut and paste fun together, shall we?

My friend Tammy asked me to do a guest post on index cards for her annual summer challenge, ICAD: Index Card A Day last year, and then again this year! I said yes, brought out my scrap inbox of pretty papers and recorded a quick video to inspire you guys to do some cut-n-pastin’ of your own!

Creating a collage from my scrap inbox for ICAD 2014, see video on

In the video you can watch how I pick out papers, and without any plan glue them down on the blank canvas of an index card! I go with green and pink, use some washi tape, some tissue paper and a lot of tiny pieces of left over collage material. I really like how the lines of these ordinary index cards peeks through. I think it gives this the perfect “everyday practice look”, the mundane transformed, daily life documented on a card.

Here are some details of today’s index card collage:

Index Card Creativity - a collage video by iHanna at #icad

If you watch the video, I’d love to know what you think, or if you have any questions! Is it too long? I sped up some of the pasting to twice as fast as it is IRL, is it okay or would you prefer it normal speed? If you let me know what you like I can make better videos in the future…

Index Card Collage Video

Now maybe it’s time to take a look!

Index Card Creativity - a collage video by iHanna at

If you can’t see it above please watch here.

I did the whole ICAD-challenge myself back in 2011, and last year I created a video for Tammy, where you see me Doodle on an Index Card (also featuring pink nails, yes indeed).

ICAD is a super fun creative challenge!

ICAD is a super fun creative challenge, genius in its simplicity. If you haven’t done so already please check it out! You can find information about ICAD on the blog Daisy Yellow and my guest post here. There is also a FAQ about it, and daily ideas/prompts to inspire you further – all translated to different languages, Swedish included (by yours truly).

Happy ICADing!

PS: For more videos check out and subscribe to my youtube channel here and/or my Newsletter.

8 Responses

  1. I loved seeing your process. I like the way you left some white space. I always think I have to fill every inch. You’ve inspired me!

    • Hi Zura, so glad this inspired you. I too have a hard time leaving space/ white in my collages, but here I wanted it to show that the substrate is the index card. :)

  2. I really enjoyed your video. Speeding up areas that need no explanation is a good thing. I did not know you had youtube channel….I just subscribed. I am doing the ICAD challenge for the first time and find it very exciting to try new things on a small, inexpensive canvas. Thanks

  3. loved the video! it’s not too long nor too short; it’s perfect! as it is for the choice of colours including the nail polish! what i admire most is your no worrying composition of papers and colours (well you make it seem like that but you must have given it a lot more thinking and practising beforehand) in a way it’s not perfect (not all the pièces are straight or cut, you left some torn edges, and not all the space its covered) but it is perfect!

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