Fabric Owl Banner

I love owls

My mom knows me well, and recently surprised me with a super cute owl banner that she sewed! I guess she found the inspiration somewhere on the internet, but as you can see, it’s made just for me. It has my name on it, and my colors. Green and pink!

My owl banner on the wall
I love it.

I have a slanting roof in my tiny apartment, so the owl banner now hangs above the TV, just where the roof starts.

N Owl in polka dots

The letters are machine embroidered by mom, who has a fancy sewing machine that can do this kind of stuff. Look at the flower button eyes of the H-owl:

H Owl with green button eyes

Super cute, right?

7 Responses

  1. Aaaw, what a sweet mom you have! Love your banner, she did a perfect job on it. : )

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