Like a used paint rag…

Do you ever feel like a old dried up paint rag, laying on the floor – waiting to be thrown away? Discarded. Finished. Used up?

Sometimes I do feel like that, but not today.

I just wondered, because I needed to share this photo with you guys!

Paper cloth
Isn’t this dry paint rag beautiful?

So life can’t be too bad.

That’s what I’m thinking.

16 Responses

  1. oh this IS gorgeous hanna! i can kind of see a face on the right side-in the orange-ish color. thanks for sharing. also, i can’t believe i never saw the facebook link at the bottom on the right! i would have “liked” it a long time ago. i love getting your blog updates in email and now your facebook posts! double the fun and inspiration :)

    • Thank you Jenny, so glad you’re enjoying new (and old) blog posts and sharing your enthusiasm with me – it just makes my heart sing with you. Thank you for doubling my fun too! :-)

  2. Paint and dye rags, especially if they are paper towel or wet wipes, are great for collaging and making paper-cloth (see Stitch Alchemy by Kelli Perkins).

    • Thanks Michele, I don’t own that book but I sure know about recycling things. I hearts; that! This paint rag is already in my stash of collage papers! Yay, for pretty papers, right? :-)

      • I love pretty papers. I think you’d like the book. I’ve made some of the paper-fabric using kitchen towel that I’d mopped up procion dyes with, and then glued it to muslin with a 50/50 mix of PVA glue and water. There are pictures on my Pinterest boards. Drop by and have a look.

  3. Hej. Man kan se något vackert i allt om man bara rätt glasögon på sig. Du har den kunskapen och dom rätta glasögonen, var stolt för det.

  4. Oh, pretty! I have used old clean up rags in my journal. Recently used one to make my most favorite spread … at least for now, lol.

    • Thanks Melanie, that sounds interesting with the rag inside the journal… I will be sure to use this paper cloth inside my journal (or in a collage) too. Love all those colors!

  5. yes, beautiful! You could wrap that around stretcher blocks or an old canvas and have a new piece of modern art.

    Spring is coming……..

    • Thanks Marcia, I love it when you come visit my blog, though I miss your posts as you know. Feels like you and me are old timers in this world. :-) Take care!

    • Thank you sweet one. Sometimes the simplest things are the best, right? In times like this I love my camera and that I can document the transient things in the world – and on my studio desk!

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