365 Collages | Week 29 – B/W again

Collage: Tasting Like Salmiak
Collage: Tasting Like Salmiak

Using only black and white is one of many great exercises in Plowman’s The Collage Workbook. I already made a week similar to this one (Week 22 – Black & White Edition), but I said then I wanted to create more works like those and here we are. Another batch of seven b/w collages. Experimenting with typography, paint in combination with collage, and the exclusion of my normal bright colour palette. Love!

Would love to know what you think about these in the comments! Thanks!

Collage: Urban Pathways
Urban Pathways

Collage: If you can take it
If you can take it

Collage: Days to Colour
Days to Colour

Collage: Living These Days
Living (through) These Days

Collage: Other Days
Other Days

Collage: Inner Beauty
Inner Beauty

I always cut out quotes and headlines from magazines, and in this way I get to use them in a new and interesting way, mostly looking at shape and not so much as the individual words. Which of these is your personal favorite – and why? Let me know below!

Previous post in the series of 365 Collages in 2013 was Week 28 – the yellow edition. Next up will be Week 30!

7 Responses

  1. ‘if you can take it is my favourite and ‘tasting like salmiak’ because i like salmiak very much! for me these two are best balanced….should try it too, just black and white…not easy.

  2. My favorite is Days to Colour. I like the texture in it. You are an inspiration, Hanna.

  3. My favorite is “Tasting Like Salmiak”. Just love it and now that I looked up what salmiak is, the title is awesome too!

  4. Hello, my best is “if you can take it”. It seemed very well-ballanced(good word?)
    Black and white is seemingly difficult! I like your work, perhaps I try that next week you are so inspiring !

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