The last pages of Vol 2

Smart Journal #1 Breath in

The last pages of Smart Journal volume 2 are as full of summer and brightness as the previous pages of this journal. It’s about time I start with a new summer journal, though I still have a few pages left in my hand bound journal. There’s still some blank pages for painting, drawing and sketching left in that one.

Smart Journal #2 candy bag front

Again, a small pre-ppainted page (or magazine pages) lends themselves perfectly to journaling. The writing consists of a list, all about summer things finished and done. Lots of lists in this journal. I love lists!

Smart Journal #2 Journaling & Air
I thought the right pages would be for journaling, and then I let it be as it is. White and pretty.

Smart Journal #1 Pocket
The last page has a pocket for “extras”, printed instagram images and some notes. Love the green flowery pattern so much!

Smart Journal #1 end page - all handmade by me
Powered by Love – indeed. That red label is made by Mary Ann Moss. They’re called Quirky Handpainted Labels. Love using them!

Previous pages of vol 2 can be seen here, here, and here. Oh and the journal cover is here.

What are you journaling in this summer?

7 Responses

  1. I love your pages and how free you are to just glue and paste and add your own bits to each one.
    I have kind of left journals behind right now. I am okay with that as long as I do some creating each day. I miss it though…Maybe the summer will bring me back to it ? We shall see.
    For now, I get to watch great journalers in action thanks to blogland !

  2. I just love your journal pages! I love the colors, the bits and pieces, the cohesiveness of each page, and love that you share them! Thank you! I’m using a mixed media spiral book at the moment with 90 lb paper. It’s fine, but I’m not thrilled with most of my pages (funny how that happens sometimes)… I have several journals going (read: unfinished), but add to each of them whenever I see them/think about it. I love your blog! Thanks Hanna!

    Sheila in Oregon, US

  3. Hi Hanna…I’m loving all the collaged pages you’ve been making! My favorite is the second one from the top….the little drawing add a lot to the page!

  4. I love your art journal pages, all the combinations of different papers and the little pockets and things tucked into them. I can imagine in future years it will be really fun to look back through this kind of book. I haven’t tried anything this advernturous yet but yours is very inspiring.

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