Share you Beautiful Postcard Makings

DIY Postcards from my swap partners 2012

I’ve shared the start of my postcards and given you until Thursday to sign up for the DIY Postcard Swap. Make 5 cards, receive 5 cards. Now we’d love to take a peek at your makings. Share your direct links to blog posts with the start of your postcards – or the finished postcards:

1. iHanna 8. Sandra D 15. Sarah Gardner
2. Julie Lapointe 9. Randi S 16. Patricia Zapata
3. Amy 10. Doro K. 17. Linn Knox
4. Tina W. 11. Rockyann Pritchard 18. laurie b
5. Sarah (Flo) 12. Chris Miser
6. Cynthia 13. Gabrielle Fabian
7. Siffe 14. Cynthia eloise

Please, we want your name, not your blog’s name, and the direct url to the post in question. Thank you!

Lots of inspiration in the post share your postcarding, from previous swap this year.

If you don’t have a blog you can share photos in the flickr group! It’s DIY Postcard Swap 2012. Tag your photos “diy postcard swap”, thanks.

And a plea: don’t just add/promote your own blog… Visit a few other’s and leave them comments. You know it’s appreciated! Thanks for playing along!


14 Responses

  1. Hanna, I put my cards in my flickr page, and used that as my link, because I’m not prepared to blog about them. Is that going to be easy for people to check out? I also added my six cards (one won’t be swapped) to your DIY flickr pool.
    Thank you for a fun swap!

  2. not much to show of mine just yet :) but I hope to get them finished off and blogged & Flickr’d by this weekend

    Looking forward to finding out who I’m sending to :)

  3. Hi
    This is my first SWAP …. i havent any to blog about yet just your tag Hannah.
    There are allready created a lot off beautyfull cards

  4. Love the Swap, love the theme, and so glad i pushed myself to do the cards and join in.
    My 5 year old granddaughter would love to swap with other children from across the world, so if anyone knows another child who would like to join, let me know!

  5. 11/27/12
    Did you send out addresses, I was away from the computer traveling and have carefully gone over my e-mail upon return but I am not seeing them. Just checking – so that i am not holding anyone up . thanks- cvb

    • Carol, yes of course the addresses has been sent out. I emailed you twice but your inbox was full (my email to you bounced back to me) so I left a comment on your blog about it, did you see that? I will resend the addresses now. Please let me know if you receive them! Thanks! :-)

  6. Hoping I have added my blog ok – I’m not very computer savvy :[ I really enjoyed this swap – made me think about my own experiences (or lack) of empowerment and think about my daughters’ places in society and what will the future hold for them…. Off to admire more postcards :)

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