What’s new on my desk today

Broderiakademin's magazine 2012

In today’s mail came the new embroidery magazine, and I am very proud since I am one of three editors. I’ve planned it, worked with it, written articles, edited text, photographed, edited layout, found spelling-mistakes and on and on. Always happy to make this thing -but also extremely happy and satisfied when it’s “over” and the mag is finished. Phew!

Today's shopping
And new on my desk today is two glue sticks, a micron pen for doodlishious times and two fabric paints that were on sale. I have white shirts, will paint or stamp one to try this out and then use the rest on cotton fabric for embroidery experiments!

Today's drink
And in my favorite glasses something to drink while testing out my new pen and making doodles in a notebook. Also a “new” (newly discovered and tried for the first time today) photo format (1:1) on my Ixus camera! I can now take square format photos all the time! It’s so much fun, and such a great little feature. Will the fun ever stop?

What’s new with you?

10 Responses

  1. Congrats on being such a big part of the embroidery magazine! That’s awesome. Also, what are you drinking? I have decided that I need to know. :-)

  2. Good morning Hanna, well done on your embroidery mag! I am doing some doodling on t-shirts with fabric markers as well, and upcycling some t-shirts into skirts. Love your blog.

  3. What’s new with me? I’m hosting my very first swap on the blog, and I’m doing lots more art, and I am way in the groove. As for YOU, young lady, congrats!! How exciting! To be one of the Editors!

    I have always enjoyed your embroidery and admired it.

  4. Congratulations on the embroidery magazine–what a great accomplishment. And those new supplies? Sound like a fun weekend coming up!

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