Postal Flow

Papers, a magazine + rubb-on letters

Something really strange happened in my post box this week. I got several “lost packages” all at once without explanation. I so wonder where they have been all this time?! The above magazine (and some stickers, vintage rub-on letter sheets & pretty papers) was sent from Belgium by Sophie, and I love everything! Well, who doesn’t love pretty surprises in the mail?

The envelope was postal stamped 26th of September last year – and received on February 8th! It’s strange, but I feel blessed that it arrived at last, safely.

The magazine is a super cool publication from the Netherlands with awesome layout + goodies. Thank you so much Sophie! Here are some of the pages, let’s swoon together:

From the magazine Flow

From the magazine Flow

From the magazine Flow
From the magazine Flow

Along with all this I finally got the t-shirts I ordered for Christmas, a knitting book I won in November and a special book gift from my friend Anna! I won’t say delayed post is great, but getting it all on the same day sure creates a overstuffed inbox of joy.

** The dutch Flow magazine has inspiring online content too, check it out.

PS: Wanna send and receive some mail bliss of your own? Come back next week to sign up for my annual swap.

11 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna,
    I was wondering if you will be hosting the annual art postcard swap agian this year.
    It was one of my favorite 2011 art projects. I hope you will host it again.

  2. Hi Hanna, you’re right, it isn’t ok with delayed post but what a great day you must’ve had. Nothing better than a mailbox filled to the edge with goodies. It seems to be candy all of it. Enjoy!!

  3. What a wonderful, very playful and inspiring site!
    Thank you for sharing :]
    Oh yes… the mystery of the Postal Office. You are not alone on this one…
    Glad your things arrived safely.

  4. Better late than never, I guess..I can’t believe they all showed up at the same time! Must have felt a little like Christmas! That magazine looks so fun!

  5. Very mysterious indeed. Where does it stay, when it’s between addresses? But…you received it and it looks like a wonderful package. Flow is my absolute favorite magazine. I even had the good fortune to have some of my art journal pages published in their special winter edition. I’m still very proud of that! Enjoy all those goodies!

  6. Men så konstigt! Jag skulle nästan höra av mig till posten för att fråga hur det eventuellt kan komma sig.

    Men är det inte så också att man i Kiruna har lagret för post som inte kommit fram men som heller inte har någon avsändare. Och att man kan eftersöka bortkomna försändelser där?

    Fast detta måste ju bero på något annat.

  7. jag har en del post som jag fortfarande håller tummarna för, fast egentligen är jag rätt säker på att allt är borta och kommer att förbli borta. tyvärr. men dom gånger saker dyker upp så blir man ju väldigt glad förstås – som en oväntad försenad julklapp.

  8. I’m signing up now! Time for mail!!

    It’s so weird that your mail was delayed so long. Is that when you moved to your new place?

  9. Thank you for sharing this wonderful link !
    I like very much the layouts of this magazine.
    When I post of the mail I always have a small fear that my mail does not reach his addressee. But I like writing and receiving from beautiful enveloppes !

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