Collage: Just be brave

2011-11-11 be brave
Original Art Collage: “Man or mouse” (or just be brave). 20 x 20 centimeters (7.8 x 7.8 inches). SOLD.

When I look at this collage, one that I did in November, I notice how much I love it.

Also, I think I know what’s wrong with the once I started this week. They’re too much of everything and some areas need to be toned down. In this one, the collage Just be brave,whole areas of colour balance the smaller details. The paint really adds areas to rest on.

It’s interesting that sometimes you can learn from yourself.

Thanks for the lesson Hanna.

Get another original iHanna collage in my shop, one that isn’t sold and shipped before I have time to list/blog it perhaps.

In other news, my Postcard Inspiration Board on pinterest is filling up by the minute, and so is the diy postcard swap (still time to sign up).

10 Responses

  1. I love this (as I love all your collages). You are right about the fields of color adding balance – that’s a wonderful lesson.

  2. It is always so weird to me when I look at older work and I love it so much, I am always so critical of the work I am doing ‘in the moment.’ I also like this piece :) It has a lovely composition and nice contrast which makes it quite successful!! And hooray that it sold!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and your kind comment on my drawing, it is much appreciated.

  3. Beautiful! … Don;t you just love pinterest? I know that some artist are fretting over copyrights and such, but for me it is the wonderful visual bookmarking system that is really energizing by mind and creativity :)

  4. beautiful and I love all the pink… it does make me think of bravery! I love how you learn from your own past work, great idea…

  5. Wow…I love your postcard inspiration board on Pinterest. I have it bookmarked, and it will likely give me TONS of inspiration as I have more time to explore all that is there!

  6. It’s more than the field of colors, it’s the blending of the bright, warm colors that makes me feel like I’m having a good morning already!

  7. Hanna…love the colors in this collage. I also love the bag you made…I’ve been wanting to make one but I’m not sure where to begin. I also enjoyed looking through the postcard board on Pinterest. :)

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